WordPress Public
Forked from WordPress/WordPressWordPress, Git-ified. This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please do not send pull requests. Submit pull requests to https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-devel…
PHP Other UpdatedOct 6, 2023 -
website Public
Forked from elementary/websiteThe elementary.io website
PHP MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2023 -
jasypt-spring-boot Public
Forked from ulisesbocchio/jasypt-spring-bootJasypt integration for Spring boot
Java MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2023 -
ezXSS is an easy way for penetration testers and bug bounty hunters to test (blind) Cross Site Scripting.
PHP MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2023 -
cortex Public
Forked from cortexproject/cortexA horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long term Prometheus.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 15, 2023 -
spinnaker Public
Forked from spinnaker/spinnakerSpinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence.
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 15, 2023 -
goa Public
Forked from goadesign/goaDesign-based APIs and microservices in Go
Go MIT License UpdatedSep 15, 2023 -
COVID-Contact-Tracing-App Public
Forked from tri-p/COVID-Contact-Tracing-AppThe COVID Contact Tracing App is an application written in Python that allows the user to input their personal information and COVID details. The program allows the user to search for an entry that…
Python UpdatedJul 24, 2023 -
ISYS3888_CapstoneProject Public
University of Sydney - ISYS3888 Capstone Project - Bushfire Management and Data Collection within the Illawarra Region
1 UpdatedFeb 22, 2022