A net flow pilot in order to handle some proxy configuration automatically.
pip install PFlowC -U
pflow-cli server
浏览器上访问: http://mitm.it/
- Manual Installation
- Double-click the P12 file to start the import wizard.
- Select a certificate store location. This determines who will trust the certificate – only the current Windows user or everyone on the machine. Click Next.
- Click Next again.
- Leave Password blank and click Next.
- Select Place all certificates in the following store, then click Browse, and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
- Click OK and Next.
- Click Finish.
- Click Yes to confirm the warning dialog.
- Automated Installation
- Run certutil.exe -addstore root mitmproxy-ca-cert.cer (details).
- Manual Installation
- 其他命令可参考Help文档
pflow --help
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- Make system proxy setting configuration automatic.
- MacOS
- Windows
- Linux
- Make the command line setting configuration automatic.
- MacOS
- .zshrc
- .bashrc
- auto detect the env file.
- Windows
- Linux
- MacOS
- 实现从数据中心拉下来当前地址里位置对应的忽略列表, 以此实现根据地理位置确定忽略哪些地址走代理.
- Combine with the Intranet Penetration Tool
- Implementing upstream-configurable clash / agent.
- Publish as python site-packages.
- Release the pre-built packages for all the platform:
- MacOSX
- Windows
- Linux
- Use the mitmproxy implement the new Agent Client.
- Auto update the bypass domains list by the geoip.
- router the ignored host for proxy or direct real-time.
- 实现流量控制通过程序内部实现而非通过系统的proxy_bypass_domains设置.
- 利用Curses优化控制台流量展示
- 实现后台以服务的形式运行
- 开发状态栏组件
- 开发GUI,Desktop应用
- 利用 Trojan 实现可跨过 GFW 的传统代理.
- 同时还可以借鉴 trojan-go.
先删除打包目录再进行打包, 这样能避免不能覆盖的问题.
rm -rf ./build rm -rf ./dist python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
(在一个环境上打包, 在另一个环境上安装最能明显的察觉到存在的问题)
pip install ./dist/PFlowC-2.5.X.tar.gz
twine upload ./dist/PFlowC-2.5.X.tar.gz
- thanks to Maximilian Hils, Aldo Cortesi, Thomas Kriechbaumer,... for mitmproxy
- thanks for dnspython
- thanks for geoip2