First of all, you should have latest version of python installed on your device. You can check that by typing python -version in command prompt.
The libraries you need to have on your computer are as below:
- tkinter
- pyautogui
- fpdf
you can install all this dependancies using pip install command. For example to install tkinter, we can use this command.
pip install tkinter
This project generates a result portal of Nirma University using tkinter GUI. There are 3 main entities interacting and using this project :
- Admin
- Faculty
- Student
To store the data, we have used .txt file as this project's scope is for limited number of students and faculties. Initially, You can choose if you want to randomly generate marks or want to enter marks manually. According to your choice, data is generated!
Main Functionalities:
- Register
- Log In/Log Out
- Forgot Password
- Change Password
- Edit data of Students
- Download Result PDF
For more details about project pre-requisite and execution view readme.pdf.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.