Automatically and instantly disband inactive deeds
With this mod installed, servers can specify a number of days after which a deed will be automatically disbanded if its mayor has been inactive for that long. This mod (unlike other upkeep/tax mods) will perform the disband instantly after that period of time, rather than just increasing drain on upkeep: if you specify 30 days and the mayor of a village hasn't logged in in 30 days, that deed goes poof.
Tested on a Wurm Unlimited Dedicated Server v1.8.0.3 with ago1024's server modloader version 0.40.
The following settings are available:
- autoDisbandInactive - true/false, determines whether deeds will be disbanded after the mayor is inactive for the configured number of days. Default is false.
- autoDisbandInactiveDays - integer, how many days of inactivity for the mayor before disbanding the deed. Default is 30.
Requires SinduskLibrary.