reference MVVMTemplate
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- 100% Kotlin-only template
Following Clean Architecture approach
- Following MVVM Architectural Design Pattern
- Template Project
- RxJava 3 - Reactive Extensions for the JVM
- Coroutines - A concurrency design pattern library
- Flow - Built on top of coroutines and is stream of data that can be computed asynchronously
- Simplest Adapter Ever (based on this workaround)
- Github Actions - CI
- Hilt - Dependency Injection framework
- Transition - Animation
- Paging V3 - Pagination
- View Binding - View Binding
- OkHttp3 - Network interceptor
- Retrofit - HTTP client
- Glide - Loading images
- Timber - Log
- Gson - JSON library
- Material Components - Material Design
- Lottie - Vector animation library
- Kotlin DSL - Alternative syntax to the Groovy DSL
- Detekt - Static code analysis for Kotlin
- Gradle Doctor - Gradle build scan plugin
- Navigation - Navigate through the app
- LeakCanary - Memory leak detection
- Chucker - An HTTP inspector for Android & OkHTTP
- StrictMode - A developer tool which detects things you might be doing by accident
- Dark/Light Theme - Support dark/light themes
- DataStore - Data storage solution that allows you to store key-value pairs or typed objects
- AutoDispose - Automatically binding the execution of RxJava streams to a provided scope