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Blueprint: Nextjs, Incremental Static Site Generation with Magnolia CE headless SPA integration


Install node version manager:

nvm use 
npm i
npm run jumpstart

If you experience trouble installing dependencies because of version mismatches (e.g. different React version) in the workspace, use:

npm i --legacy-peer-deps

Start Dev within Magnolia preview and Nextjs, Storybook:

npm run dev

Recommended for better overview while viewings logs: start every task in a separate terminal session

# Magnolia development
npm run dev:cms
# Web (public) development
npm run dev:web
# UI lib/components development
npm run dev:lib

In order to use authoring preview/page builder features you will need to grant read-only access to website ACL in Magnolia Security app to the role rest-anonymous. This project aims to find a solution for that.

To stop dev: Ctrl + C and if the dev task shuts down with an error from Magnolia:

npm run stop


If Magnolia CE is used an export is necessary to see changes in author preview (even in development):

npm run export:web

This task will be executed automatically whenever you start the dev task


Build web frontend:

docker build . -t next-mgnl-web 

Run frontend for preview (local dev):

docker run -p --net host --name next-mgnl-web -it -e MGNL_PREVIEW="true" next-mgnl-web 


docker rm next-mgnl-web 

CSS Starterkit


  • the new CSS reset
  • An utility/token based approach using CSS variable, for rapid CSS prototyping and streamlined CSS development in teams Pollen CSS
  • a lightweight, flexible CSS helpers kit for basic accessibility

The bootstrap kit is fully customizable to project needs, by just replacing libs and/or changing design token variables or replace everything to your needs by changing only one file (packages/lib/styles/global.scss). Please check packages/lib/styles/global.scss for more infos.


  • Create translation strategy via page module tree (not all pages are being translated)
  • next/image Magnolia image renditions component
  • If error occurs in useSWR the page needs to render the error page
  • Lint
  • Testing with snapshot image and code
  • Implement fallbacks for next image, head, script and link in storybook
  • Pre-Commit hook
  • Provide documentation on how to use/change
  • Manual Testing of author view, preview and public
  • Attempt to not expose author ACL website to rest-anonymous

ToDo Backlog

  • Pass nextjs logs into Magnolia logging
  • Create docker base image for deps as base and images for lib and web using base deps image
  • Provide options for DB to mgnl docker image (maybe helpful: