- 👋 Hi, I’m @Henrique-Azank
I'm a biochemical engineering graduate from the University of São Paulo (Brazil), and I'm interested in all things Data Science and Engineering. I'm really into using Machine Learning and Statistics in the field of Bioenginnering as a whole, not just bioinformatics. I believe that there is a limitless source of Data in Bioengineering not being used in an efficient way.
I'm not limited on the Bioengineering though. I have developted projects in other unrelated fields, in areas such as Customer Succsess, Production Engineering and Economics. I have a deep appreciation for Science as a whole whether it is biological, political, mechanical, sociological or economical in nature. In time, I look forward to developt applications/study cases in all of these fields.
As a second note, I also have experience as a project manager (both in traditional and agile methodologies) and am currently enrolled as a post-graduate student at FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas - SP/Brazil) studying project management.
I have experience with both Python and R for Data Science, but also developt applications using VBA and spreadsheet modelling. I also have a strong statistics background, always going the extra mile when fitting models in order to fully understand exactly what they tell us.
🌱 I’m currently learning how to share my work and collaborate with fellow Data Scientists in meaningful projects. I have a strong grasp in the statistics, math and Data Visualization, but lack knowlege in how to share my models in a "production" level.
📫 How to reach me:
Personal Email: [email protected]