Math 10 serves as the introductory course in programming and machine learning algorithms, mainly targeted for the students with mathematical background and have interests in the Data Science specialization. In addition to the introduction of popular python data science packages (Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Seaborn and Scikit-learn), this course also emphasizes the understandings of rationales underlying the programming language and machine learning algorithms.
(Updated Winter 2021)
There will be NO official textbook for this course. You may find the following references helpful:
For Basic Python Programming : A Byte of Python
For Machine Learning Codes in Python: Python Data Science Handbook
For Machine Learning Applications and Theories: An Introduction to Statistical Learning; The Elements of Statistical Learning
latest update:Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction (2021 edition) by Dr. Kevin P. Murphy
For Deep Learning:Deep Learning
Please also check the links in our lecture notes.
For students who are already familiar with the basic course materials and aim to get A+ for this course, I suggest you to learn the following packages by yourself, discuss with me in the office hours and try to apply them in the final projects.