This plugin aims to provide fist-class integration of the Gradle build system with the Neovim text editor. For now nothing works though.
This is a remote plugin with a compiled component. It requires at least JDK 11. Please see the INSTALL file for more details.
Install this plugin like any other Vim plugin
Install the correct Gradle wrapper .. code-block:: sh
gradle wrapper
Build the Java application according to the below instructions .. code-block:: sh
./gradlew install
When running the compiled component, communication happens over standard input and standard output (only for testing purpose):
Source the bootstrap file, then execute one of the commands it defines to play around with:
source plugin/gradle.vim
" Echo an OK
" Raise an error
" Display a list of Gradle tasks
Currently utterly useless, but the foundations are in place. I will be slowly chipping away at it, adding features. I still need to decide on what interface to even provide, then actually implement it.
Released under the MIT (Expat) license, please see the COPYING file for details.