This plugin allows you to use Font Awesome icons in Vuepress markdown file directly.
Support regular and solid icons ONLY
Each icon's used as a Vuepress component, so you just need to input a directive start with Fa-
then follow the Capitalised font awesome icon class name, for example:
<!-- Insert a address book icon, red colour, 3x large size -->
<Fa-AddressBook color="red" size="3x" />
- Step 1: Install dependency
yarn add vuepress-plugin-font-awesome
- Step 2: Create a shortcut script, please add following codes in your
"scripts": {
"fa:build": "node node_modules/vuepress-plugin-font-awesome/index.js"
Simply run following command:
yarn fa:build
If in your project, you root folder is in other place, for example: 'docs', then pass the
yarn fa:build --dest=docs
The plugin will put the font awesome components in right place, which is .vuepress/components/Fa
By default, there are 152 regular and 957 solid icon components will be generated, which is a huge amount. Instead of pack them all, you might want to only generate some specified icons based on your demand. To do so, simply put them in the .vuepress/config.js file as below:
module.exports = {
title: 'Hello VuePress',
description: 'Just playing around',
// Please append following lines into your config.js
thirdPartyComponents: {
regular:['address-card','file-audio'], // Regular font awesome icon keys here
solid:['battery-quarter'] // Solid font awesome icon keys here
If you don't know what icon's key you could use, please refer the following:
The command is exactly same as above:
yarn fa:build
yarn fa:build --dest=$YOUR_DOCS
In any of your markdown file, simply add:
<Fa-AddressBook />
Add props to icon:
<Fa-AddressBook color="red" size="3x" />
Here below are props you could pass:
- color: String, Color Hex Code
- size: String, Font Awesome size class: 'lg', 'xs', 'sm', '1x', '2x', '3x', '4x', '5x', '6x', '7x', '8x', '9x', '10x'
- pull: String, left/right
- rotation: [String, Number], degrees such as 90/180/270
- flip: String, such as 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'both'
- spin: true/false
- pulse: true/false
- border: true/false
: 23/Jul/2019- add specified icons generation feature
- add regular and solid icons key list file
: 22/Jul/2019- Support all props to pass to the component