Repository containg 7 java assignments I completed for the Advanced Programming course. Indepth description of each of the projects can be found in their respective folders. Please refer to the question.pdf for further clarification.
- Assignment 1: Placements at IIIT Delhi. Elementary JAVA based menu driven program.
- Assignment 2: E-commerce Platform. Implementation uses interfaces in JAVA and concept of polymorphism.
- Assignment 3: Game ArchLegends. Implementation uses concept of abstract classes and polymorphism.
- Assignment 4: Game ArchLegends. Extension of previous assignment. Implementation uses concept of object cloning, object comparison and object equality check.
- Assignment 5: Race Track. Implementationg focues on concepts of inheritance, polymorphism and exception handling. Use of custom exeptions is present as well.
- Assignment 6: Race Track. Extension of previous assignment. Implementation focues on Serilization/Derialization of Object along with tesing using JUnit Testing.
- Assignment 7: Fibonnaci Number. Calculates nth Fibonnaci number using Multithreading and with the help of ForkJoinPool, while implementing Design patterns like Facade, Flywieght and Observer.
- JAVA 8
- IntelliJ
- JUnit
- All assignments were done using IntelliJ and projects can thus be directly imported in IntelliJ. Individual java files can we found in src directory of the corresponding lab.