classic-ipsum Public
مولد لوريم ابسوم باللغة العريبة - Arabic Lorem Ipsum Generator
first-contributions Public
Forked from firstcontributions/first-contributions🚀✨ Help beginners to contribute to open source projects
cgm-remote-monitor Public
Forked from nightscout/cgm-remote-monitornightscout web monitor
material-design-template Public
Forked from joashp/material-design-templateMaterial Design Based One Page HTML Template
oasis Public
Forked from heybereket/oasis💻 Oasis — the social platform for developers
tensorflow-object-detection-example Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/tensorflow-object-detection-example -
now-ui-kit Public
Forked from creativetimofficial/now-ui-kitNow UI Kit Bootstrap 4 - Designed by Invision. Coded by Creative Tim
course-v3 Public
Forked from fastai/course-v3The 3rd edition of course.fast.ai
FSND-Coffee-Menu-Stack Public
Online platform for ordering coffee targeting Udacity students.
FSND-Fyyur-App Public
Fyyur is a musical venue and artist booking site that facilitates the discovery and bookings of shows between local performing artists and venues.
FSND-Trivia-API Public
An API for Trivia game quizzes along with frontend view.
FSND-Deploy-Flask-App-to-Kubernetes-Using-EKS Public
Forked from udacity/cd0157-Server-Deployment-and-ContainerizationThe Full Stack Nanodegree course 4 project
NonogramSolver Public
Forked from mariocervera/NonogramA program that solves nanogram puzzles!
FSND-Projects Public
Forked from udacity/FSNDPublic repository for the Full-Stack Nanodegree program.
apertureLabSignUp.github.io Public
Forked from codrops/CSSGlitchEffectsign up page for Aperture Laboratories from Portal games ;D
arabic-lorem-ipsum Public archive
موقع لتوليد نصوص لوريم ابسوم بالعربية
Guided Project by Dataquest
cleaning and analysis of the dataset of used cars from eBay Kleinanzeigen.
sb-admin2-rtl Public
Forked from dreamingechoes/sb-admin2-rtlsb-admin2-rtl is a RTL version of the Bootstrap based admin theme SB Admin 2.
An expert system that gives a diagnosis of plant diseases using a set of given symptoms.
Algorithms_Project_Graph Public
A graph data type implementation with basic set of properties and operations.
Hangman Public
Forked from codermango/HangmanThis project is developed with Netbeans. The source code is in src files.
Decrypt-Machine Public
unprofessional code I made for fun to decrypt messages from gravity falls cartoons :^)