- Universal Registration system to register blocks, items, block entities, etc. using kotlin delegates.
- Universal Packet system with automatic serialization and registration using annotations.
- Universal Capabilities system to storing nbt in entities, block entities and worlds.
- Universal EventBus system for all modloaders and basic events.
- Automatic models generation for blocks and items using embed resourcepack.
- NBT serialization and deserialization of any objects using Kotlinx.Serialization.
- Toml Config system based on KotlinX Serialization.
- HollowCore bypass forge's module system, that allow to use identical libraries in different mods.
- ImGui based framework: basic elements, items, entities, containers, slots, etc.
- Async GLTF model loader with skeletal animations, skinning, morph targets, PBR materials with Iris/Oculus support.
- Effekseer particles support.
- Bedrock particles support
- Jpeg, tiff, apng, gif textures.
- MP3, OGG, WAV Sound formats support.