该fork基于最新Weex-dev,调整了Weex默认的list加载更多方式,简单暴力修改了源码,使其拥有自然滑动加载更多的能力。【仅修改了Android】 考虑到目前WEEX处于发展阶段,因此该修改仅仅用作前期需求的满足,因此不修改至官方的SDK。
代码较low,采用我15年的代码嵌套完成,仅完成功能和初步效果,请有需要的使用或修改。 直接将该fork引入项目中替换原本官方的sdk即可,修改了WXRecyclerView以及Swipe的代码。 效果图如下:
A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI.
(English Gitter)
(Chinese 中文聊天室)
Support Android 4.1 (API 16) and iOS 7.0+. See Weex website for more information.
Please INSTALL Git for Windows and run all the following commands in git-bash.
- Install Weex Playground App to see examples we already written.
- If you want to write a demo, install weex-toolkit in Node.js 4.0+ and
- Run
weex init
to generate & start a simple project in an empty folder. - Follow the instructions in the project README.
- Enjoy it.
- Prerequisites
0. Install Node.js 4.0+
0. Under project root
npm install
, install project 0../start
0. Install Android Environment - Run playground, In Android Studio
0. Open
0. Inapp/java/com.alibaba.weex/IndexActivity
, modifyCURRENT_IP
to your local IP 0. Click(
button) - Add an example
On Android Platform , Weex code is executed in weex_v8core which is based on Google V8 JavaScript engine.
- Prerequisites
0. Install Node.js 4.0+
0. Under project root
npm install
, install project 0../start
0. Install iOS Environment 0. Install CocoaPods - Run playground
cd ios/playground
0.pod install
0. OpenWeexDemo.xcworkspace
in Xcode 0. Click(
button) or use default shortcutcmd + r
in Xcode 0. If you want to run the demo on your device. InDemoDefine.h
(you can search this file by Xcode default shortcutcmd + shift + o
), modifyCURRENT_IP
to your local IP - Add an example
See SCRIPTS.md for more information.
See Weex Community Wiki page
Weex team have developed a DevTool to help you to improve we file
debug efficiency.
See FAQ for more information.
- weex article : article collection about Weex(文章集合)
- weex.help : 3rd forum about Weex(第三方Weex中文技术论坛)
- gitter.im chinese room : an instant message chat room about Weex(Weex中文聊天室)
See Weex Contributing Guide for more information.