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Stanford Ribonanza RNA Folding (7th place, Gold Medal)


The following repository includes my scripts, experiments, and notes that document my progress through the Stanford Ribonanza RNA Folding, more ifnormation about the competition here . This work resulted in 7th place and a gold medal, the full solution write up can he foound here


I recommend using the official nvidia or kaggle docker images with the appropriate CUDA version for the best compatibility, data can be downloaded from offical page here, for bpp and ss I recommend to install arnie

Experimetns and Results

exp_name description CV LB
exp_00 Initial experiment using RNA_ModelV2 on RNA_DatasetBaseline. Utilizes 1D convolution after nn.Embedding layer and transformer. Configuration includes 64 batch size, 12 workers, 192 dimensions, 12 depth, 32 dim_head, and 64 epochs with 5e-4 learning rate and 0.05 weight decay. The experiment is running on CUDA device.
exp_01 Baseline experiment using CustomTransformerV0 on RNA_DatasetBaseline. Incorporates a simple embedding layer fed to the Encoder and uses rotary embeddings via the ContinuousTransformerWrapper class. Configuration includes 64 batch size, 12 workers, 192 dimensions, 12 depth, 32 dim_head, and 64 epochs with 5e-4 learning rate and 0.05 weight decay. The experiment is running on CUDA device.
exp_02 Same as exp_01 but uses TransformerWrapper instead of ContinuousTransformerWrapper. Configuration includes 64 batch size, 12 workers, 192 dimensions, 12 depth, 32 dim_head, and 64 epochs with 5e-4 learning rate and 0.05 weight decay. The experiment is running on CUDA device.
exp_03 Experiment using CustomTransformerV1 on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplit. This version generates a new split based on hd-hit and uses TransformerWrapper instead of ContinuousTransformerWrapper. Configuration includes 64 batch size, 12 workers, 192 dimensions, 12 depth, 32 dim_head, and 64 epochs with 5e-4 learning rate and 0.05 weight decay. The experiment is running on CUDA device and uses a custom fold split defined in fold_split.csv. 13.92 0.16144
exp_04 Same as exp_00 but with a new splitting method defined in fold_split.csv. Uses RNA_ModelV2 on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplit. Configuration includes 64 batch size, 12 workers, 192 dimensions, 12 depth, 32 dim_head, and 64 epochs with 5e-4 learning rate and 0.05 weight decay. The experiment is running on CUDA device. 0.1347 0.1559
exp_05 Model RNA_ModelV3 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitbppV0. Incorporates a transformer and every 4th layer a Graph Attention Network (GAT) is added which uses BPP. This BPP is masked (first 26 and last 21) and further filtered with values > 0.5 to generate edge index. Configuration includes 64 batch size, 12 workers, 192 dimensions, 12 depth, 32 dim_head, and 64 epochs with 5e-4 learning rate and 0.05 weight decay. The experiment is running on CUDA device and uses a custom fold split defined in fold_split.csv. 0.1304 0.1514
exp_06 Model RNA_ModelV4 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitbppV0. This version uses a transformer that saves intermediate results every n layer. These intermediates are then concatenated and applied to several layers of a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). The edge index for the GCN is determined by BPP in the same manner as exp_05. The final layer of the GCN is concatenated with the final layer of the transformer and passed to a feed-forward network. Configuration includes 64 batch size, 12 workers, 192 dimensions, 12 depth, 32 dim_head, and 64 epochs with 5e-4 learning rate and 0.05 weight decay. The experiment is running on CUDA device and uses a custom fold split defined in fold_split.csv. sas exp_04
exp_07 Model RNA_ModelV6 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitbppV0. This experiment is similar to exp_05 but tests the use of regular graph convolution instead of attention. The performance observed was similar to exp_04. Configuration includes 64 batch size, 12 workers, 192 dimensions, 12 depth, 32 dim_head, and 64 epochs with 5e-4 learning rate and 0.05 weight decay. The experiment is running on CUDA device and uses a custom fold split defined in fold_split.csv. sas exp_04
exp_08 Model RNA_ModelV3 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssV0. This experiment is similar to exp_05, but instead of using BPP, it uses ss_roi from Vienna, which represents secondary structure prediction without adapters. Configuration includes 64 batch size, 12 workers, 192 dimensions, 12 depth, 32 dim_head, and 64 epochs with 5e-4 learning rate and 0.05 weight decay. The experiment is running on CUDA device and uses a custom fold split defined in fold_split.csv. 0.131570 0.15175
exp_09 Model RNA_ModelV7 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitbppV0. This experiment differs from exp_05. After the extractor layer, the features are fed into a 4-layer GAT attention network with BPP>0.5 serving as edges. Subsequently, these features are concatenated with the extractor feature and passed to the transformer. Configuration includes 64 batch size, 12 workers, 192 dimensions, 12 depth, 32 dim_head, and 64 epochs with 5e-4 learning rate and 0.05 weight decay. The experiment is running on CUDA device and uses a custom fold split defined in fold_split.csv. 0.131179 0.15143
exp_10 Model RNA_ModelV2SS used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssV1. This experiment mirrors exp_04 in terms of utilizing the original transformer model. However, the unique aspect of this experiment is the use of ss_full, which is embedded using the Extractor layer. This layer also serves to embed the sequence. Post embedding, both the sequence and ss features are concatenated and passed to the transformer. Configuration matches previous settings and the experiment is running on the CUDA device, using the custom fold split defined in fold_split.csv. not FT 0.1351
exp_11 Model RNA_ModelV8 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitbppV1. An iteration similar to exp_12 but integrates a graph attention layer at the end instead of concatenating. This results in a decreased performance, indicating the potential downside of adding local attention at the final stage. The experiment uses a doubled dimension size of 192 * 2, and all other configurations, including logging with wandb on the CUDA device, remain consistent with the previous setup. bad
exp_12 Model RNA_ModelV7 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitbppV1. This experiment is an iteration over exp_09 with an increased dimension size (192 * 2). This version utilizes the full BPP matrix, taking into account adapter probabilities. As in previous experiments, BPP values greater than 0.5 are chosen for edges. Other configurations remain consistent with prior settings, and the experiment is logged with wandb and running on the CUDA device using the custom fold split in fold_split.csv. 0.1310 0.15345
exp_13 Model RNA_ModelV9 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV0. This experiment combines both full BPP and SS (with adapters). Two separate small GNNs operate on SS and BPP independently. The outputs from these GNNs are then concatenated and supplied to a transformer. The model uses a doubled dimension size of 192 * 2. Other configurations, including logging with wandb on the CUDA device, remain consistent with the previous setup. 0.1304 0.15218
exp_14 Model RNA_ModelV10 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV0. This experiment iterates over exp_13 with modifications to the node features for the GAT. The node features now have positional encoding, and the last residual connection in the GAT layer has been removed. Other configurations, including logging with wandb on the CUDA device, remain consistent with the previous setup. 0.1299 0.15181
exp_15 Model RNA_ModelV7 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitbppV1. This experiment is similar to exp_13, but it's a true B model with a dimension size of 768 (192 * 4). The experiment also uses a longer training duration with 128 epochs and a reduced learning rate of 1e-5. Other configurations, including logging with wandb on the CUDA device, remain consistent with the previous setup. Training crsashed segm error n/a
exp_16 Model RNA_ModelV11 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV1. The experiment starts with the Extractor embedding sequences. The Extractor's features are passed to a GAT with edges calculated from the SS. The output is then combined with bpp (probability) using bmm and applied to a gated residual unit. Previously, I used bpp in GAT for pairs exceeding 0.5 probability. The result is concatenated with the Extractor's original features before feeding it to a transformer. This model has so far shown superior performance, perhaps due to the incorporation of full bpp probabilities. 0.12709 0.1481
exp_17 Model RNA_ModelV12 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV1. This experiment is akin to exp_16, but the model does not utilize the GAT for ss. Instead, it merges the raw full probability bpp through bmm and a gated residual unit in BppFeedForwardwithRes layer, after the initial 4 transformer blocks. overfit
exp_18 Model RNA_ModelV13 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV1. This experiment deploys a standard transformer mode with Extractor. However, during its first eight layers, the BppFeedForwardwithRes mechanism is used alternately on ss and bpp. The pattern followed is bpp, ss, bpp, ss, and so on. The idea is to ascertain the potential benefits of this alternating incorporation of structural and base pairing probabilities within the transformer's processing layers.
exp_19 Model RNA_ModelV14 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV1. This experiment is akin to exp_16. Initially, the sequences are embedded using the Extractor. The extracted features are passed to a GAT, using SS as edges. The output from the GAT is then combined with bpp via the BppFeedForwardwithRes mechanism. To this combination, the original features extracted by the Extractor are added as a residual. The final combined features are then fed into the transformer. Unlike exp_16, this experiment doesn't concatenate the features, and each branch takes an input of size dim//2. The intent is to see how the combined GAT and transformer mechanism works without concatenating features from different branches. 0.1275
exp_20 Model RNA_ModelV15 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV1. This experiment draws inspiration from exp_16. The sequences undergo embedding through the Extractor and then move onto a modified GAT with graph_layers=6 and heads=8. In contrast to exp_16, which performs the bpp combination immediately post-GAT, this setup introduces the bpp combination via BppFeedForwardwithRes only after the second transformer encoder layer. The rationale is to allow the initial layers to primarily focus on SS features, and then to incorporate the bpp data. Results indicate that the timing of bpp injection has a minimal impact, and its mere presence significantly influences the outcomes. ~exp_16
exp_21 Model RNA_ModelV16 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV1. This experiment deviates from using a GAT. Instead, post extraction, there are two small transformer encoders dedicated to bpp and ss respectively. Each encoder comprises 3 layers of transformers. Subsequently, the bpp or ss are combined using a gated residual unit through GatedResidualCombination. The features from these encoders are then concatenated and passed to a standard transformer. Initial training showcased promise, however, inconsistency in the form of spikes was observed during the later stages. A slight overfitting was also detected as the training progressed, suggesting the potential need for techniques like SWA.
exp_22 Model RNA_ModelV17 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV1. This iteration avoids GAT and is somewhat aligned with the methodology of exp_21. Two separate transformers are in play; one dedicated to ss and the other to bpp. The block called EncoderResidualCombBlockV1 is used for each transformer. For ss, combination with the extractor layer (via GatedResidualCombination) is done before passing to the transformer. In contrast, for bpp, the combination is performed post its processing by the transformer. The output features of ss and bpp transformers are then combined and supplied to a standard transformer. A notable introduction in this experiment is the Exponential Moving Average (EMA), which ensured stable performance during training, quicker convergence, and eliminated spikes in validation. However, mild overfitting was observed, suggesting potential adjustments like increasing dropout. 0.1268 0.14621
exp_23 Model RNA_ModelV17 utilized on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV2. This experiment mirrors the architecture and methodology of exp_22, with a few differences. The model's dropout rates (layer_dropout, attn_dropout, and drop_pat_dropout) have been increased to 0.25. Furthermore, the bpp value now represents an average derived from three packages: 'vienna_2', 'contrafold_2', and organizers' data. This change to the bpp is anticipated to introduce a more robust representation. The rest of the configurations remain consistent with exp_22. 0.1272 0.14709
exp_24 Model RNA_ModelV18FM used on RNA_DatasetBaselineFM. In this experiment, finetuning was performed on the publicly available RNA foundation model, known as RNA-FM. The model was entirely unfrozen and additional output layers were appended. The dropout rate for this model was set to 0.2. Notably, no bpp was utilized in this setup. Given that this is a finetuning on an existing model, it will be interesting to observe how previous knowledge and architectures from RNA-FM benefit the training process. bad
exp_25 This experiment utilizes the RNA-FM model as in exp_24. However, rather than merely finetuning the existing model (which resulted in a poor score in exp_24), there's a structural adjustment here. The RNA-FM functions as an extractor. The embeddings derived from layer 12 of RNA-FM are taken and the procedure from exp_22 is followed. Yet, the transformer architecture is modified. The two primary transformers that integrate bpp and ss with the features from RNA-FM consist of three layers each. The outputs of these transformers are merged and supplied to a 6-layer transformer. It's notable that the RNA-FM is kept frozen in this setup, ensuring its weights remain unchanged during the training process. 0.1293
exp_25_unfreeze Following the results of exp_25, this experiment unfreezes the backbone (RNA-FM) and fine-tunes the entire model. The observation reveals that although the score improved compared to exp_25 (reaching a metric of 0.1277), the model began to overfit severely after a certain point. It suggests a recurring trend that models which have the RNA-FM backbone unfrozen are prone to overfitting. It's also notable that this run used the weights from exp_25 as its initial state (md_wt = 'exp_25/models/model.pth') and had a modified learning rate that was an average of 5e-5 and 5e-4. The total epochs for this experiment was reduced to 16 given the observation of overfitting. 0.1277
exp_26 Model RNA_ModelV20 used on RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV3. This experiment closely follows the configuration of exp_22, but there's a significant change in the input data. Instead of feeding ss, an average of extra bpp from three distinct packages (Vienna, Contrafold, and RanFormer) is utilized. The architecture still employs two separate transformers, one for the aforementioned average bpp and the other for the original bpp. The combination of bpp or extrabpp is achieved using a gated residual unit via GatedResidualCombination. These processed features are then merged and supplied to a typical transformer. The two initial transformer mechanisms vary in when the combination takes place: the first integrates before feeding to the encoder, while the latter performs the integration post-encoder. 0.1267 0.14671
exp_27 This experiment introduces an interesting approach where the RNA-FM model acts as an evolutionary module due to its training on a large RNA dataset. Its features are extracted and run in parallel with a regular extractor. The extracted features then undergo a combination process with bpp. Following this, the features derived from RNA-FM and the combination are concatenated and subsequently passed through a standard transformer. The experiment aims to harness the potential of the RNA-FM model by leveraging its evolutionary insights while maintaining an independent extraction and combination process. Its resulted in overfit at the end. 0.1307
exp_28 This experiment employs the RNA-FM model, specifically to predict bpp values which then undergo transformation through a sigmoid layer. The transformed bpp values are combined with features from a regular extractor. Following this combination, the features are concatenated with the original extracted features and then passed to a transformer which has been modified to have a depth of 9. This experimental setup intends to refine the learning process by allowing the RNA-FM model to make predictions which are subsequently combined with the traditional extraction process. A future plan is in place to unfreeze the concatenated model, which might enhance the overall model performance. 0.1333
exp_29 This experiment replicates the conditions of exp_28, known for its high-performing cross-validation results. However, a significant modification is made in the extra_bpp feature extraction process. Instead of utilizing the comprehensive set of three different sources (Vienna, Contrafold, and RanFormer) for secondary structure (ss) data, this iteration solely employs data from the rnafm 0.1271 0.14673
exp_30 In this iteration, the setup is deliberately aligned with the conditions of exp_19, which previously achieved a notable score. However, exp_30 diverges by integrating an averaged bpp feature that combines the original bpp with that derived from rnafm. Despite this strategic fusion, intended to harness more robust or comprehensive structural insights, the model's performance disappointingly declines, as evidenced by a score of 0.1290 compared to the 0.1275 from exp_19 0.1290
exp_31 This iteration introduces an innovative approach in handling bpp data through the deployment of a CombinationTransformerEncoder. This specialized block harmonizes a standard transformer with a subsequent Combination layer designed to multiply the input with bpp, followed by dual conv1d operations activated by relu. This encoder is stratified into 8 distinctive layers, with a strategic injection of bpp in one layer, while extra_bpp—an averaged ensemble from sources including rnafm, vienna_2, contrafold_2, and rnaformer—is integrated into another. Concluding the architecture are 4 blocks of unaltered transformers. 0.1259 0.1459
exp_32 Progressing from the advancements of exp_31, this experiment evolves the architecture by implementing the CombinationTransformerEncoderV1. This construct enhances the sequence of interactions by introducing a layout that progresses through a transformer_encoder, integrates bpp, advances through another transformer_encoder, incorporates extra_bpp, and concludes with a final transformer_encoder with the ss. Each segment in this chain is mixed Combination layer. Additionally, every block (CombinationTransformerEncoderV1) is fortified with a residual connection. The experiment has indicated an improvement over its predecessor, exp_31. 0.1247 0.14436
exp_32-ft-ex-ft-sr FT exp_32, on sr and external_data 0.1245 0.145
exp_32_psd FT exp_32_ft, on final0_PLfolds_ft_tot psudolables 0.12361
exp_32_psd_v1 FT exp_32_psd, on final0_PLfolds_ft_tot psudolables 0.1231
exp_32_psd_v3 FT exp_32_psd, on final0_PLfolds_ft_tot psudolables 0.1227 0.14074
exp_32_ft_after_psd FT exp_32_psd_v3, ft on sr=True 0.1221 0.14128
exp_32_psd_v3_final_comb_PL_v1 FT final_comb_PLfoldsEXft_tot 0.1222
exp_32-ft-after-PLfoldsEXft FT exp_32_psd_v3_final_comb_PL_v1, ft on sr=True 0.121 0.14136
exp_32-psd_v3_ex_ft FT on external dataset
exp_32_ex_ft_flip_sr FT exp_32_ex_ft_sr, on external, and added flip augmentations 0.1255
exp_32_v1 This iteration replicates exp_32, but incorporates two key changes: 1) bpp is stored as a numpy array, simplifying the loading process and potentially speeding up training. 2) The rnafm feature, previously deemed noisy, is excluded. The primary goal is to observe any performance variations due to these changes. 0.1250 0.14491
exp_32_v2 This variant is modeled after exp_32_v1, but incorporates a deeper bpp_transfomer_depth of 6, increased from 4. Furthermore, the training data has been sourced from train_corrected.parquet, which might be a refined or updated dataset. The primary goal is to see if deeper bpp_transfomer_depth and the new dataset enhance the performance. 0.1247 0.1448
exp_32_v2_ft_ex_sr same as exp_32_v2, but finetuned on external and sr 0.125184 0.14572
exp_32_v3 This experiment mirrors exp_32. Additionally, the bpp_transfomer_depth is increased to 6 from 4, potentially enhancing the model's ability to process and integrate bpp information. Finetuned on external dataset 0.1249 0.14463
exp_32_v3_ex_ft_sr_ft This experiment mirrors exp_32_v3. 0.1251 0.1449
exp_32_v3_psd_v2 ft on exp_32_v3 using psd final_comb_PLfoldsEXft_tot 0.123 0.1403
exp_32_psd_v3_ex_ft ft on exp_32_v3_psd_v2 using only external and sr=true 0.123 0.1403
exp_33 This experiment marks a departure from the previous transformer-based approaches, venturing into convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with the implementation of a standard EfficientNetV2_1d (referred to as efnetv2 in the context). The model integrates an initial extractor layer, funneling processed features into the EfficientNet structure. Tthe first attempt at adapting the efnetv2 for sequence data like RNA poses challenges, reflected in a local CV score of 0.1623. 0.1623
exp_34 Building upon the framework established in exp_32, Firstly, it replaces the standard rnatormer bpp with rnaformverv1. Secondly, a critical fix was implemented in the combination layer, resolving an issue related to padding mask that potentially compromised previous models' learning efficiency. Unlike its predecessors, exp_34 does not employ sampling, really bad score, did not look good, perhaps sampler or mask
exp_35 same as exp_32, but it replaces the standard rnatormer bpp with rnaformverv1 , its working fine, i think i can reach same score sas exp_32
exp_37 same as exp_35, but it replaces the standard rnatormer bpp with rnaformverv1 removed rnafm, its working fine, i think i can reach same score, RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV6, RNA_ModelV26, in the model residul replaced with GRUresidual sas exp_32
exp_38 The approach in exp_38 . Notably, this experiment employs a strategic data augmentation method by introducing a 'flip' technique. In addition added rnafm to extra_bpp as augmentaion because its noisy, "vienna_2", "contrafold_2", and "rnaformerv1", Dataset uses RNA_DatasetBaselineSplitssbppV7Flip. Furthermore, exp_38 , using ExtractorV3, that uses MLP instead of res_block. In the continued pursuit of architectural excellence, the model uses several blocks of the newly introduced CombinationTransformerEncoderV2, each endowed with GRUGating. Convergense a bit slow, maybe remove noise in rnafm TBD
exp_39 In exp_39, the model architecture shifts to RnaModelConvV2, integrating 1D convolutions with CombinationTransformerEncoderV1 blocks. The focus is to explore the effectiveness of 1D convolutions in the feature extraction phase. While the preliminary outcomes indicate an improvement, they still lag behind the best-performing models like exp_32 0.1332
exp_40 This experiment is a variant of exp_39, but it replaces the RnaModelConvV3, bassicly EffBlock followed by CombinationTransformerEncoderV1, it was going good but then overfitted 0.12724
exp_41 The model utilizes ConvolutionConcatBlockV4, consisting of EffBlock and CombinationTransformerEncoderV29. The latter takes an average of all bpps and ss inputs instead of individually feeding them to transformers. There are 6 blocks of ConvolutionConcatBlockV4 followed by 10 standard transformer blocks. The primary objective is to see if averaging inputs combined with convolutional blocks can lead to a better performance. Trained untill epoch 28 then its started to overfit 0.1278


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