🐳 XLayout is a Swift Auto Layout DSL with more lightweight syntax for macOS.
- macOS / OS X 10.10 +
- Xcode 10.0+
- Swift 5.0+
hahaha, like me. :)
Integrate XLayout into your project manually.
- If you need help, contact [email protected].
- If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
Let's make some constraints like this:
- 🖇Chaining API
view2.xLayout.leading(view1.trailing + 80).height(30).trailing(-15).top(40)
- ⚖️ Equation Based API
view1.width == 150
view1.height == 100
view1.leading == 20
view1.bottom == -15
view2.leading == view1.trailing + 80
view2.height == 30
view2.trailing == -15
view2.top == 40
- 🎨Visual Layout API
// the | means superView and the - means space
view1.width == 150
view1.height == 100
view1.visualLayout(.H(|-20-view1), .V(view1-15-|))
view2.height == 30
view2.visualLayout(.H(view1-80-view2-15-|), .V(|-40-view2))
- 😎In Addition
| : superView
- : space
~ : priority
Use them like those ways:
view.xLayout.leading(==(contentView.leading*0.7 + 20) ~ 210)
.bottom(>=(contentView.bottom - 20))
view.leading == (contentView.leading*0.7 + 20) ~ 210
view.trailing <= *0.6-50
view.bottom >= contentView.bottom - 20
view.top == contentView.top*0.8
view.width == 200
view.visualLayout(.H(|-10-viewT-(*0.9 + 20)-|), .V(|-viewT-view))
XLayout is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.