leaflet.extras2 Public
Forked from trafficonese/leaflet.extras2Extra functionality for leaflet R package.
million-rows Public
Searching millions of rows in MongoDB in just a few seconds.
URL-Shortener Public
Forked from muhsin-k/URL-ShortnerCreating unique and customized short url.
Customized-Tweet-Generator Public
Customized Tweet Generator from Uploaded Images
termifolio Public
My terminal portfolio.
rethink-plaintext-editing Public
Forked from rethinksoftware/rethink-plaintext-editingRethink frontend engineering challenge
NewGrad-2021 Public
Forked from pittcsc/NewGrad-2021A collection of New Grad full time roles in SWE, Quant, and PM.
1 UpdatedOct 2, 2020 -
cron-parser Public
Forked from harrisiirak/cron-parserNode.js library for parsing crontab instructions
command line tool template using python
the-majestic-llama Public
Forked from jameslcarpino/jameslcarpino.github.ioLlamas
React-Portfolio Public
Forked from rbhatia46/React-PortfolioA simple SPA Portfolio template for developer/designers built with React. Use it to showcase your work, testimonials and other information to clients.
pm2.5-idw-map Public
PM2.5 IDW Map from PM2.5 open data portal
idw-to-csv Public
Interpolating station values by IDW algorithm and save as csv file.
Leaflet.idw Public
Forked from spatialsparks/Leaflet.idwA small Leaflet plugin to generate an IDW interpolation map
nocode Public
Forked from kelseyhightower/nocodeThe best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
Leetcode_Company Public
Forked from youhusky/Leetcode_CompanyLeetcode_Company
Python logging template using RotatingFileNameHandler
A serverless line-bot reminder builds on Heroku addon Scheduler
LASS Public
Forked from LinkItONEDevGroup/LASSLocation Aware Sensor System by Linkit ONE