SMOKE-window Public
window 版 SMOKE,省去 linux 下编译 DConv 的 cuda 代码,并增添了 finetune 和 resume 等功能
openmlsys-zh Public
Forked from openmlsys/openmlsys-zh《Machine Learning Systems: Design and Implementation》- Chinese Version
TeX UpdatedSep 29, 2022 -
pytorch-ntm Public
ntm for pytorch
pytorch-image-models Public
Forked from huggingface/pytorch-image-modelsPyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- (SE)ResNet/ResNeXT, DPN, EfficientNet, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2, MNASNet, Single-Path NAS, FBNet, and more
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 2, 2021 -
Image-processing-algorithm Public
Forked from BBuf/Image-processing-algorithmpaper implement
C++ UpdatedFeb 18, 2021 -
Confluence Public
A Robust Non-IoU Alternative to Non-Maxima Suppression in Object Detection
YOLOv3_tiny_TensorFlow Public
Add YOLOv3_tiny and data augment(clip, brighten, change saturation)
nanodet Public
Forked from RangiLyu/nanodet⚡Super fast and lightweight anchor-free object detection model. 🔥Only 1.8mb and run 97FPS on cellphone🔥
Python UpdatedNov 23, 2020 -
PyTorch_YOLOv4 Public
Forked from WongKinYiu/PyTorch_YOLOv4PyTorch implementation of YOLOv4
Python UpdatedAug 5, 2020 -
Yet-Another-EfficientDet-Pytorch Public
Forked from zylo117/Yet-Another-EfficientDet-PytorchThe pytorch re-implement of the official efficientdet with SOTA performance in real time and pretrained weights.
Python GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 26, 2020 -
insightface Public
Forked from deepinsight/insightfaceFace Analysis Project on MXNet
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2019 -
PolarMask Public
Forked from xieenze/PolarMaskCode for 'PolarMask: Single Shot Instance Segmentation with Polar Representation'
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 12, 2019 -
py-faster-rcnn Public
Forked from rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnnFaster R-CNN (Python implementation) -- see https://github.com/ShaoqingRen/faster_rcnn for the official MATLAB version
Python Other UpdatedNov 7, 2019 -
tf-faster-rcnn Public
Forked from endernewton/tf-faster-rcnnTensorflow Faster RCNN for Object Detection
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 26, 2019 -
sphereface Public
Forked from wy1iu/spherefaceImplementation for <SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition> in CVPR'17.
LargeMargin_Softmax_Loss Public
Forked from wy1iu/LargeMargin_Softmax_LossImplementation for <Large-Margin Softmax Loss for Convolutional Neural Networks> in ICML'16.
C++ Other UpdatedAug 27, 2018