Releases: HubTou/MinecraftRegionScanner
Releases · HubTou/MinecraftRegionScanner
- Show content of Mob Spawner tile entities (both vanilla and LOTR)
- Renamed options unknown to fixunknown and stacks to fixstacks
- Added detection and report of excessive number of entities in a single spot
- Added new option -e / --fixentities to fix excessive number of entities in a single spot
- Provided our test bed in test/r.0.0.mca
- Updated Querz NBT library to 4.1
- Modified the Makefile to fetch and build external libraries
- Fixed a display bug causing negative stacks of items when there are more than 127
- Added new option -S / --stacks to fix stacks of more than 64 items
- Fixed bug #1 (Tile entities for modified or deleted blocks are not removed)
- Added detection and report of invalid chunk locations
Initial public release