Name: Huda ALRubayawi
Student Number: C19738789
- Fork this repository and use it a starter project for your assignment
- Create a new package named your student number and put all your code in this package.
- You should start by creating a subclass of ie.tudublin.Visual
- There is an example visualiser called MyVisual in the example package
- Check out the WaveForm and AudioBandsVisual for examples of how to call the Processing functions from other classes that are not subclasses of PApplet
This assignment visual art piece. A tree will response to the MP3 music. When you run it or pressing f5 then hit space to see the sart and hit space again to pause or stop. This assignment calculate the frequency.
I forked this repository and use it a starter project for my assignment. I created a new package named my student number and putted all my code in this package. I started by creating a subclass of ie.tudublin Visual. I checked out the WaveForm and AudioBandsVisual for examples of how to call the Processing functions from other classes that are not subclasses of PApplet.
I used this code below and I comment and explained all method and codes I needed it for this assignment /*assignmentjava This assignment visual art piece. A tree will response to the Mp3 musice. if you run it then hit space it will work . you will see tree response to the music. Author: Huda AL Rubayawi student number: C19738789 Data: 26-04-2021 */ package C19738789;
// we import here all what we should impoert e.g pApplet, AudioBuffer, end so on import ddf.minim.AudioBuffer; // importing audiobuffer by pressing contrlo dot import ddf.minim.AudioInput; // improting audioInput import ddf.minim.AudioPlayer; import ddf.minim.Minim; import ddf.minim.analysis.FFT; import ie.tudublin.Visual; import ie.tudublin.VisualException; import processing.core.PApplet;
Minim minim;// Connect to minim AudioPlayer ap;// to play mp3 music AudioBuffer ab;// Samples //AudioInput ai;// How to connect to mic FFT fft; // fast fourier transform. it is mesuerment methode of audio. float theta; float a;
float[] bands;
float[] smoothedBands;// i used smothbansd to make it somther
/* methode of claculating frquency bands it take fft algorthm and goup of erray together.
separate the audio in diffrent range
void calculateFrequencyBands() {
for (int i = 0; i < bands.length; i++) {
int start = (int) pow(2, i) - 1;
int w = (int) pow(2, i);
int end = start + w;
float average = 0;
for (int j = start; j < end; j++) {
average += fft.getBand(j) * (j + 1);
average /= (float) w;
bands[i] = average * 5.0f;
smoothedBands[i] = lerp(smoothedBands[i], bands[i], 0.05f);
public void settings()
size(1024, 500);
//fullScreen(P3D, SPAN); // Try this for full screen multiple monitor support :-) Be careful of exceptions!
float log2(float f) {
return log(f) / log(2.0f);
int which = 0;
// stup fuction here we put the code for mp3 file to let it the music working public void setup() {
colorMode(HSB); // we use HSB coloe mode
// creat conaction to minum library
minim = new Minim(this);
// calling loadfile on minim object
ap = minim.loadFile("heroplanet.mp3", width);
//ai = minim.getLineIn(Minim.MONO, width, 44100, 16);
ab = ap.mix;
// creat new fft abject. you pass in frame size and sample rate
fft = new FFT(width, 44100);
bands = new float[(int) log2(width)];
smoothedBands = new float[bands.length];
// this code is the key function here how let the work for example pressing space to let it start and if you pre it again it will paus or stop it.
public void keyPressed()
if (keyCode >= '0' && keyCode <= '5') {
which = keyCode - '0';
if (keyCode == ' ')
if (ap.isPlaying())
// here amplitude average calcuation to let the tree code response to music connect them to music
private float amplitude = 0;
private float smothedAmplitude = 0;
public void calculateAverageAmplitude()
float total = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < ab.size() ; i ++)
total += abs(ab.get(i));
amplitude = total / ab.size();
smothedAmplitude = PApplet.lerp(smothedAmplitude, amplitude, 0.1f);
// draw method to show the drwing for example the code of tree and all code we want to drawing will be here
public void draw()
background(0); // black colour of background
stroke(255); // white border colour
float halfHeight = height / 2;
for(int i = 0 ; i < ab.size() ; i ++)
stroke(map(i, 0, ab.size(), 0, 255), 255, 255); // using maping fuction to calculate
line(i, halfHeight - (ab.get(i) * halfHeight), i, halfHeight + (ab.get(i) * halfHeight));
//we use map to map i from range zero and pass it 255 second two parameters so can HSB color going on
int highestBand = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < fft.specSize() ; i ++) // fft array
stroke(map(i, 0, fft.specSize(), 0, 255), 255, 255);// specSize for to get the size of the buffer
line(i, height, i, height - (fft.getBand(i) * halfHeight));// getBand to get the element at the position i
if (fft.getBand(i) > fft.getBand(highestBand))
highestBand = i; // we use this to get the highst element
float freq = fft.indexToFreq(highestBand); // call index frequency and convert it to frequency
textSize(24); // print out the frequency
text("Frequency: " + freq, 10, 50);
//text("Note: " + spell(freq), 10, 100);
// Let's pick an angle 0 to 90 degrees based on the mouse position
//float a = (mouseX / (float) width) * 90f;
a = smothedAmplitude * 700;
// Convert it to radians
theta = radians(a);
// Start the tree from the bottom of the screen
// Draw a line 120 pixels
// Move to the end of that line
// Start the recursive branching!
void branch(float h) {
// Each branch will be 2/3rds the size of the previous one
h *= 0.66;
// All recursive functions must have an exit condition!!!!
// Here, ours is when the length of the branch is 2 pixels or less
if (h > 2) {
pushMatrix(); // Save the current state of transformation (i.e. where are we now)
rotate(theta); // Rotate by theta
line(0, 0, 0, -h); // Draw the branch
translate(0, -h); // Move to the end of the branch
branch(h); // Ok, now call myself to draw two new branches!!
popMatrix(); // Whenever we get back here, we "pop" in order to restore the previous matrix state
// Repeat the same thing, only branch off to the "left" this time!
line(0, 0, 0, -h);
translate(0, -h);
This is my first java assignment, and I was very proud and feeling good when I uploaded on YouTube. I was very happy when I run it after challenging with coding and I learned a lot from this assignment. I learned and used mapping method, fft , band, setup(), draw(), colours, setting(), amplitude, frequency, This was my first time to learn java.i lrean from my mistake. hoop in future I learn nicer stuff to be proud of. My lecturer was very hard worker, and he was very help full he helped everybody in class to succeed. If any student does not understand what something he will try different methods to explain it in class. I am proud and happy to have a lecture look like him.
This is emphasis
This is a bulleted list
- Item
- Item
This is a numbered list
- Item
- Item
This is a hyperlink
This is code:
public void render()
ui.rect(x, y, width, height);
ui.textAlign(PApplet.CENTER, PApplet.CENTER);
ui.text(text, x + width * 0.5f, y + height * 0.5f);
So is this without specifying the language:
public void render()
ui.rect(x, y, width, height);
ui.textAlign(PApplet.CENTER, PApplet.CENTER);
ui.text(text, x + width * 0.5f, y + height * 0.5f);
This is an image using a relative URL:
This is an image using an absolute URL:
This is a youtube video:
This is a table:
Heading 1 | Heading 2 |
Some stuff | Some more stuff in this column |
Some stuff | Some more stuff in this column |
Some stuff | Some more stuff in this column |
Some stuff | Some more stuff in this column |