//creating an array Cell[] myCells = new Cell[1500]; //No. of cells
Cell myCell;
//CIRCLE float a; float b; float c; float x; float colred = 100; float colgreen = 0; float colblue= 100;
void setup (){ background (0); size (500,500); frameRate(50);
//populating the array for (int i=0; i<myCells.length; i++) { myCells[i] = new Cell(); } }
void draw (){
//for loop for (int i=0; i<myCells.length; i++) { myCells[i].display(); myCells[i].update();
pushMatrix(); //The pushMatrix() function saves the current coordinate system to the stack and popMatrix() restores the prior coordinate system. a=random(4); c=300; b=(c/2); x=random(500);
translate(width/2, height/2); rotate(PI/a); noFill();
if(mouseX>width/2){ colred=colred+1; }else {colred=colred-1; }
if(mouseX<width/2){ colblue=colgreen+1; }else {colblue=colgreen-1; }
stroke(colred, colgreen, colblue); strokeWeight(.1); rect(-b, -b, c, c);
stroke(0); line(b,b,c,c); popMatrix();
} //
class Cell {
float xlocation; float ylocation; float dia; boolean issed; float cellred, cellgreen, cellblue; float lineweight;
//then we construct it- using a constructor
Cell() {
xlocation=250; //origin of cells
dia=random(1); // diameter of cells
cellgreen=random(230); //random prefix to change colour randomly
void display() { noStroke(); fill(220, cellgreen, cellblue); ellipse(xlocation, ylocation, dia, dia); }
void update(){ xlocation = xlocation + random(-5,5); //increase speed/ direction ylocation = ylocation + random(-5,5); //increase speed/ direction }