Get PR Review from LLM in the Simplest Way
Automated code review shell script that leverages git diff and AI to provide feedback on code changes. Supports multiple file types and integrates easily into existing workflows.
KT, SKT, LGU+ DNS 서버를 통해 Vercel로 배포된 도메인의 접근 가능 여부를 5분마다 모니터링하고, Slack으로 알림을 보내줍니다.
Chrome extension to intercept and modify network requests.
Convert code repos into an LLM prompt-friendly format. Mostly built by GPT-4.
🎉🎈 개발자 {웨비나, 컨퍼런스, 해커톤} 행사를 알려드립니다. [with 남송리 삼번지]
Components from the YouTube show GUI Challenges: accessible, responsive, adaptive and cross browser components.