This repository contains articles and blogs written on various topics
To convert markdown to html, use markdown-to-html converter by Code Beautify. It is better compared to VS Code extension especially when it comes to handling mermaid.js graphs and adding header ids.
To highlight syntax after converting markdown to html, use either hightlight.js or PrimsJS:
hightlight.js has 3 advantages:
- maintained more actively than PrismJS
- more themes than PrismJS
- Auto-detect language feature
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script> <script>hljs.highlightAll();</script>
The con is even though there are many themes to choose from, there is no really good one. Below are some of my current picks:
- base16-windows-high-contrast-light
- atom-one-light
- stackoverflow-light
- intellij-light
- xcode
- base16-humanoid-light
- base16-summerfruit-light
- vs
- base16-humanoid-dark
- atom-one-dark
- night-owl
- monokai-sublime
- felipec
PrismJS:<script src="[email protected]/prism.min.js"></script> <script src="[email protected]/plugins/autoloader/prism-autoloader.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/themes/prism.min.css" />
If the article contains
graphs, to render it properly on html webpage, use below cdn:<script type="module"> import mermaid from ''; </script>
Write custom URL in the permalink section of the blogger editor. Otherwise blogger generates url from title, if the title contains non-ASCII characters, it discards those characters.
It is possible to schedule publication of the blog posts.
The theme used for the blog is "Notable Light", CSS styles used to customize the appearance and layout of the theme are stored here: Notable_light_theme_styles.css