- Comprehensiveness:
|K ∩ W|/|W|
- Relatedness:
|Ri |/|Ai |, Ri ∈ Ai, i ∈ {ti , ..., tn }
- Correctness:
|C |/|A|, C ∈ A
To train BERT-based model and use it to automatically evaluate the Relatedness and Correctness of the ten KGs, run the command:
nohup python3 /home/huyen/CORD-19-KG/Evaluation/auto_eval_correct_related_BERT_ent.py > /home/huyen/CORD-19-KG/Evaluation/auto_eval_correct_related_BERT_ent.out &
nohup python3 /home/huyen/CORD-19-KG/Evaluation/auto_eval_correct_related_BERT_triple.py > /home/huyen/CORD-19-KG/Evaluation/auto_eval_correct_related_BERT_triple.out &
Our BERT-based models' performance:
precision = tp/(tp+fp)
F1 = (2 * Precision * Recall)/Precision + Recall)
Accuracy = tp/(tp+fn)
- tp: number of terms* that are shared between the correct answer and the prediction.
- fp: number of terms that are in the prediction but not in the correct answer.
- fn: number of terms that are in the correct answer but not in the prediction. 1