Version update 1.8.0.
Improved performance
Added automatic retry on failed request
Updated iOS SDK to 6.12.2
Please see the ReleaseNotes for full release details
This AdMob will add the support to use AdMob Mobile monetization platform with Adobe Air. The Extension support Android Platform and iOS Platform. Different Packages are available according to the application targets:
- Android Only
- iOS Oly
- Both Platforms
##Admob SDK Details
- Android: Google Play services ver. 5.0
- iOS: Admob SDK 6.12.2 (Admob SDK 6.8.0 in iOS 4.3 compatible version)
##Device Compatibility:
Android: From version 2.3
iOS: From version 4.3
- Set Render mode type (Android Only)
- Set Specific test Device ID
- Create Single or Multiple Banners for Application
- Move Banner, allow also to animate the banner
- Full Interstitial Ads Management and Pre-caching
- Full Request Customization
- Get Banner Dimensions
- Get Device Screen Dimension
- Custom Absolute Position
- Auto relative Docking position for:
- Support Any adMob Size:
##Install the library
Add the AdMob ANE library to your project.
In Flash Builder 4.7:
- Go to Project Properties
- Select Native Extensions under Actionscript Build Path
- Choose Add ANE... and navigate to the AdMob.ane file
- Select Actionscript Build Packaging > Google Android, Apple IOS or Both
- Select the Native Extensions tab, and click the 'Package' check box next to the extension
Please note:
When adding the ANE be sure to have the checkbox "Update Air Application Descriptor" selected.
If it is not selected make certain that the application Id is available in the Air Application Descriptor as follow:
##Usage Import the library
import com.codealchemy.ane.admobane.AdMobManager;
Get The Manager Instance
var adMobManager:AdMobManager = AdMobManager.manager;
Check Extension Support
Set Manager Verbose Mode [Optional]
The Verbose mode will allow to have debug output from all places, AS, Java and iOS console
adMobManager.verbose = true;
Set The Render mode [Optional, default Hardware]
This setting will allow to set the render mode for the banner.
The available setting are None, Hardware and Software. The use of the render mode vary according to the application.
adMobManager.renderLayerType = AdMobManager.RENDER_TYPE_HARDWARE;
Set Manager Operation Mode [Optional... Until Operation]
This setting will allow to set the extension in either test mode or operation mode.
By default the extension will work in Test Mode, when the application needs to be release it will be needed to switch the operation into Production mode
adMobManager.operationMode = AdMobManager.TEST_MODE;
Set The test device ID
This setting will prevent impression counts during testing for the specified ID.
adMobManager.testDeviceID = "MY_DEVICE_ID";
Set Common AdMob Unit Id for Banners [Recommended] Setting a common Admob Id will allow to avoid to specify an Id during banner creation If the manager has an adMob unit id set all the banner will be created using that id, unless a new id s specified during banner creation. In that case the banner will use the id included on its parameters.
adMobManager.bannersAdMobId = "ADMOB_BANNER_ID";
Set Common AdMob Unit Id for interstitial [Recommended] Same as for the banner the common AdMob Id for interstitial will be use for any interstitial created unless a new id is given during interstitial creation. In that case the interstitial will use the id included on its parameters.
adMobManager.interstitialAdMobId = "ADMOB_INTERSTITIAL_ID";
Set Gender Request Targeting [Optional] This setting allow to create the ad request specifically for a gender. Please note that all banner created after will included the given gender. Request targeting option can be update before the creation of new banner for offer different target banner.
adMobManager.gender = AdMobManager.GENDER_MALE;
Set Birthday Request Targeting [Optional] This setting allow to have specific banner for a given age If wish to set the age range then the year will be mandatory, while month and day can be optional. If month and day are not specified the default value of 1 will be used. Request targeting option can be update before the creation of new banner for offer different target banner.
adMobManager.birthYear = 1996;
adMobManager.birthMonth = 1;
adMobManager.birthDay = 24;
Set the Tag for child directed treatment [Optional] This setting allow to have specific banner for a children in accordance to Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Request targeting option can be update before the creation of new banner for offer different target banner.
adMobManager.isCDT = true;
This getter will allow to get the current quantity of banner created and available in the Manager
var num:int = adMobManager.bannersQuantity;
This getter will allow to get all the banners id of banner created and available in the Manager
var bannerIds:Array = adMobManager.bannersNames;
This getter will allow to get the information of which device is currently in use (Android or iOS)
var device:String = adMobManager.device;
Get the Current Screen Size
var screenSize:ScreenSize = AdsManager.getScreenSize();
Get a Standard Banner Size
var adSize:AdSize = AdsManager.getBannerSize(AdMobSize.BANNER);
Get the Specific and actual Banner Size in pixels after the banner Creation
var adSize:AdSize = AdsManager.getExistingBannerSize("BottomBanner");
Create an AdMob Banner in an relative Position
The parameter ae as follow:
- Banner Size (Banner specific size)
- Banner Position (Banner specific Position)
- Banner Id (Useful when you wish to create more than one banner.If an id is not specified a random id will be generated)
- AdMobId (Banner specific AdMobId, Useful if you are tracking the banner result assigning individual id. If an id is not specified the common id will be used.)
- AutoShow Option (This option allow to automatically show the banner one it is loaded.)
adMobManager.createBanner(AdMobSize.BANNER,AdMobPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER,"BottomBanner", null, true);
Create an AdMob Banner in an absolute Position
The parameter ae as follow:
- Banner Size (Banner specific size)
- Banner X Position (Banner specific X Position)
- Banner Y Position (Banner specific Y Position)
- Banner Id (Useful when you wish to create more than one banner.If an id is not specified a random id will be generated)
- AdMobId (Banner specific AdMobId, Useful if you are tracking the banner result assigning individual id. If an id is not specified the common id will be used.)
- AutoShow Option (This option allow to automatically show the banner one it is loaded.)
adMobManager.createBannerAbsolute(AdMobSize.BANNER,100, 200, "BottomBanner", null, true);
Move a specific Banner after creation
The function will allow to move a specific banner, recognized by its Id.
This allow to also create banner animation when the banner is created
The parameter are as follow:
- Banner Id (Specific banner Id for the banner to be move)
- Banner X Position (Banner specific X Position)
- Banner Y Position (Banner specific Y Position)
Rotate a specific Banner after creation
The function will allow to rotate a specific banner, recognized by its Id.
This allow to also create banner animation when the banner is created
The parameter are as follow:
- Banner Id (Specific banner Id for the banner to be move)
- Banner Angle in Degrees (Banner specific Rotation Angle, float value)
Show a specific Banner
The function will allow to show a specific banner, recognized by its Id.
This is specifically useful when your app wish to manage several ads.
The parameter are as follow:
- Banner Id (Specific banner Id for the banner to be show)
Hide a specific Banner
The function will allow to hide a specific banner, recognized by its Id.
This is specifically useful when your app wish to manage several ads.
The parameter are as follow:
- Banner Id (Specific banner Id for the banner to be hide)
Remove a specific Banner
The function will allow to remove a specific banner, recognized by its Id.
This is specifically useful when your app wish to manage several ads.
The parameter are as follow:
- Banner Id (Specific banner Id for the banner to be moved)
Show all existing banners
The function will show all available banners
Hide all existing banners
The function will hide all available banners
Remove all existing banners
The function will remove all available banners
Create the AdMob Interstitial
The parameter are as follow:
- Interstitial AdMobId (specific AdMobId. If an id is not specified the common id will be used.)
- AutoShow Option (This option allow to automatically show the Interstitial one it is loaded.)
Show the AdMob Interstitial
The function will show the cached AdMob Interstitial
Check the Interstitial load state
var state:Boolean = adMobManager.isInterstitialLoaded();
Remove the AdMob Interstitial
The function will allow to remove the Interstitial when needed.
This is specifically usefull when there is the need to remove an Interstitial without the user interaction.
##Listen to Events
In order to listen to event you need to attache the event listener to the extension dispatcher.
The easiest way is to create an internal dispatcher instance:
private function get dispatcher():EventDispatcher
{ return adMobManager.dispatcher; }
Then you can add all the listener for the event you need:
dispatcher.addEventListener(AdMobEvent.BANNER_LOADED, onBannerLoaded);
static private function onBannerLoaded(e:AdMobEvent):void
// Do Something...
The event will also pass the banner id for the banner who did dispatch the event.
The example above will show all the banner, if you wish to, for example, show only
the specific banner who did dispatch the event you can do as follow:
static private function onBannerLoaded(e:AdMobEvent):void
// Show the specific banner who did dispatch the event
The Extension available Event are as follow:
##Setup for Android
Update Your Application Descriptor
You'll need to be using the AIR 3.1 SDK or higher, include the extension in your Application Descriptor XML, and update the Android Manifest Additions with additional settings.
Add the following settings in "manifest" tag.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
Add the following settings in "application" tag.
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="4452000"/>
<activity android:name="com.google.android.gms.ads.AdActivity" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize" />
##Use Information:
When use this ANE extension please note the following:
- The pre-builded ANE packages will share ten percent of the total revenue
to the developer of this ANE (Share percentage can be checked on the
application log). By using the pre-builded package you accept this
condition. The ANE package can also be compiled manually for avoid the
sharing the revenues using the provided source code. - The native source code available will always be based on an older
version compare to the pre-builded packages, therefore the functions
and ANE package from the source code and pre-builded packages
will never match.
When a new version is release then the source code is updated with the current version.
Copyright 2011-2015 Code Alchemy inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
By Using this application you fully agree to all license points an take full
responsibility of its use.