To provide route optimization( connecting paths of freight carriers and suggesting rerouted paths). To minimize the FOB cost of manufacturing a company good, prior to export. TOOLS USED: MATLAB , Jupyter Notebook, Online API – BigML, ThingSpeak, OpenCV, Spyder, Unity3d, Vuforia library, Raspberrypi3b+, Picam software, Blender.
The datasets for the complete model have been provided in two files: ‘fin.csv’ and ‘eye_last.csv’.
- COST ESTIMATION - fin.csv : This file contains the dataset for cost estimation with three parameters : Item, Quantity and Region. The three parameters are used to predict the Price for the buyer. • We have chosen only raw materials as the items to facilitate in making a correct real-time estimation of the price for the buyer based on varying economic factors. • We upload the dataset in BigML and run different models to get a correct prediction of the price
• For running the SVM model in MATLAB:
- Open MATLAB and change directory to the folder ‘svm_model’, which has been provided.
- Type and run ‘svm’ in the MATLAB command line
For AR and IOT Private. Thingspeak server GET The Thingspeak Server, is a private online data collection point that feeds in on sensory values from individual freight containers, commuting trucks, all through gps enabled systems; prividing realtime and space monitoring of the commodity.