I'm glad you are here, looking at my profile and probably thinking: What the hell am I doing here? Well, I don't have an answer for that, but I hope you can find something useful in one of my repos.
My name is Ismael Apolinario. I'm a brazilian and I live in Campinas (100 km from Sao Paulo). I'm a Software Developer by heart, with 17+ years of experience in a very wide set of technologies. Currently I'm a Principal Deveops Engineer working along with a fintech instituion, helping them to migrate to the public cloud without breaking to many stuff in the way.
On my free time, I like to spend time with my daughters, build some geek projects and play FIFA.
- Name: Ismael Apolinario
- Age: 36++
- Living in: Campinas, Brazil
- Stack: Docker, .NET Core, Azure, AWS, C#, Golang, Python and many others
- Few years ago I started the project #100DaysOfCode, where I commited myself to code everyday for at least 1 hour. You can (and should) also join the project!
- I'm also very eager to learn more about Golang, Kubernetes and public cloud in general.
- I started learning more about computers when I was 13 and I messed up my PC for the 10th time and my dad said he was tired of it and woulnd't take it to fix anymore. So I had to learn how to fix it myself.
- I got my first job when I was only 17 years old (2 months before my daughter was born). My first salary was used fully to buy a crib (and ONLY the crib) for my daughter. I had to ask my dad to buy the mattress for the crib. 👶
- As a kid/teenager I was very active on sports (voleyball, footbal, ping pong and few others) and I even considered to follow that path profissionaly (as as teacher)
- In my private circle of friends, I'm very active politicaly. I can discuss about politics for hours in a row
- I hate fishing. My dad used to take me along with him to my grandpa farm when I was a kid and it was too boring for a little boy that just wanted to play videogames.
- I was born at my mom's birthday (best present ever !!!) 🎂
- I love to read (mainly philosofy and sci-fi) 📚
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ismaelapolinario/ 📄
- Email: [email protected] ✉️
- Twiter: @iapolinario 🐳