A Python script to calculate indicators of walkability in cities.
This script uses five indicators to measure walkability in any city on Earth. Those indicators are:
- People Near Services: the percentage of people living within 1000m of both some form of school and some form of healthcare (including pharmacies).
- People Near Frequent Transit: the percentage of people living within 500m walking distance of frequent transit (6 departures / hour or better).
- Car-Free Places: the percentage of people living within 100m of some kind of car-free public place, like a park, plaza, or pedestrian street.
- Block Density: the size of city blocks, representing the directness of potential walking trips
- Weighted Population Density: the population density experienced by the average resident. In denser cities, services and amenities are more likely to lie within walkable distance.
The results will be hosted in June on our upcoming interactive platform, pedestriansfirst.itdp.org
- Python 3
- Python geospatial libraries, including
- OpenStreetMap data processing tools
- Data files
- the Urban Centre Database
- the Global Human Settlement Layer population raster (this is a file that ITDP has prepared using the European Commission data)
- planet-latest.osm.pbf
Pedestrians First is released under the MIT license
Development of this project was supported by the Bernard van Leer Foundation
For general inquiries, reach out to [email protected]
For technical cencerns, reach out to [email protected]