VeMod is a virtual stack machine written in Zig, with an associated assembly language and two high-level languages: the functional Blue language, and the imperative Melancolang.
- Zig compiler (0.13.0)
git clone
cd vm
zig build vemod --prefix <installation path>
VeMod can run programs from source directly, or compile them to a vbf-file (VeMod Binary Format) with the -c flag.
Run a program written in VeMod assembly:
vemod program.vmd
Compile a program written in VeMod assembly:
vemod -c program.vmd -o program.vbf
Run a compiled program:
vemod program.vbf
Evaluate a Blue expression supplied as a command-line argument:
vemod -e "print \"Hello\" . -> 0"
Run the Blue REPL:
vemod --repl
>>> let
square x = x * x;
in square 5
To view all options, run
vemod -h
Language references can be found in the docs directory. Code samples can be found in the examples directory.
The VeMod language server (vmdls) can be installed with the command
zig build vmdls --prefix <installation path>
For integration with various editors, see the editor folder. vmdls can produce diagnostics, completions and hover information for VeMod assembly. To view available options, run
vmdls --help
To install the language server in Visual Studio Code, download the VS Code extension here:
Installation Instructions:
- download the zip above
- unzip the file
- inside Visual Studio Code, go to the "Extensions" tab
- press the three dots
- click
Install from VSIX...
- choose the
file from the zip - Done! You may now delete the zip and the
To update the extension, uninstall it and then install the new version.
The first time you run the extension, you will need to choose a path for the
binary if you do not have it on your PATH
. This is done from the
Visual Studio Code settings under Extensions > VeMod.