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tag v0.4 use pytorch0.4

use pytorch to do image semantic segmentation

  • train+val pspnet python test/ --batch_size=8 --net_name=pspnet --augmentation=False --learning_rate=0.01 --optimizer=sgd --backbone_name=resnet101 --midnet_scale=10 --upsample_type=bilinear --backbone_pretrained=True

current version use pytorch1.1+ (for DDP and sync batchnorm support)

  • DDP trainning
python test/ --test dist --mp_dist True --note dist --batch_size 4
  • support sync batchnorm
python test/ --test dist --mp_dist True --note dist --batch_size 4 --use_sync_bn True


net_name backbone midnet suffix dataset note miou(t/v)
pspnet resnet50 psp bilinear cityscapes 1 0.6/0.5
pspent resnet101 psp bilinear cityscapes 1 0.75/0.47
pspent resnet101 psp bilinear cityscapes 3 0.80/0.50
psp_convert resnet101 psp bilinear cityscapes 4 -/-
psp_edge resnet101 psp bilinear cityscapes 3 -/-
  1. 100 epoch
  2. 200 epoch
  3. require GPU number >=2, input_shape=(713,713)
net_name backbone dataset note miou
pspnet resnet101 voc - 82.6
pspnet resnet101 voc coco 85.4
pspnet resnet101 cityscape - 78.4
pspnet resnet101 cityscape coarse 80.2
pspnet resnet50 ade20k ms 42.78
deeplabv3+ xception voc - 87.8
deeplabv3+ xception voc JFT 89.0


conda install pytorch=1.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=9.2 -c pytorch
pip install opencv-python
pip install tensorboardX
pip install easydict
pip install imgaug
pip install pandas
pip install torchsummary

code reference

test pspnet model on cityscapes dataset
Overall Acc: 	 0.865857910768811
Mean Acc : 	 0.4482797176755918
FreqW Acc : 	 0.7728509434255326
Mean IoU : 	 0.36876733235206416
note for official website
the miou is 0.8+

blog reference


dataset train val test class resolution
cityscapes 2975 500 1525 19 1024x2048
pascal-context 4998 - 5105 59 -
pascal-voc2012 1464 1449 1456 20 -
camvid 369 101 233 11 -


  • use code from (only support for python2)
  • change to python2 environment source activate env2
  • clone them and install them by pip install .
  • export CITYSCAPES_RESULTS=/media/sdc/yzbx/benchmark_output/cityscapes
  • export CITYSCAPES_DATASET=/media/sdb/CVDataset/ObjectSegmentation/archives/Cityscapes_archives/gtFine_trainvaltest
  • open terminal and input: csEvalPixelLevelSemanticLabeling
  • the image size and id transform can be view in test/
  • note: the benchmark is very slow, even for only 500 val images, about 5-10s/per image
  • a failed result can be see in #3


rm -rf output/results/VOC2012/Segmentation/comp6_test_cls
mv xxx output/results/VOC2012/Segmentation/comp6_test_cls
tar -czvf results.tgz results

useful script

  • python utils/ output best val/iou to orange tab file
  • python test/ view pid and detail
  • pipreqs --ignore models/examples,models/mxnet,utils/ --force . pip requirements
  • python tools/ motion segmentation
  • python tools/ semantic segmetnation
  • python notebooks/ --app dump_tasks --note xxx --dump_group dump motion segmentation experiment in table format.