Graphiti is a Swift library for building GraphQL schemas/types fast, safely and easily.
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An overview of GraphQL in general is available in the README for the Specification for GraphQL. That overview describes a simple set of GraphQL examples that exist as tests in this repository. A good way to get started with this repository is to walk through that README and the corresponding tests in parallel.
Add Graphiti to your Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.20.1")),
Graphiti provides two important capabilities: building a type schema, and serving queries against that type schema.
First, we declare our regular Swift entities.
struct Message : Codable {
let content: String
⭐️ One of the main design decisions behind Graphiti is not to polute your entities declarations. This way you can bring your entities to any other solution with ease.
Second step is to create your application's context. The context will be passed to all of your field resolver functions. This allows you to apply dependency injection to your API. This is the place where you can put code that talks to a database or another service.
struct Context {
func message() -> Message {
Message(content: "Hello, world!")
⭐️ Notice again that this step doesn't require Graphiti. It's purely business logic.
Now that we have our entities and context we can create the GraphQL API resolver.
import Graphiti
struct Resolver {
func message(context: Context, arguments: NoArguments) -> Message {
Now we can finally define the GraphQL API with its schema.
struct MessageAPI : API {
let resolver: Resolver
let schema: Schema<Resolver, Context>
init(resolver: Resolver) throws {
self.resolver = resolver
self.schema = try Schema<Resolver, Context> {
Type(Message.self) {
Field("content", at: \.content)
Query {
Field("message", at: Resolver.message)
⭐️ Notice that API
allows dependency injection. You could pass mocks of resolver
and context
when testing, for example.
To query the schema we need to instantiate the api and pass in an EventLoopGroup to feed the execute function alongside the query itself.
import NIO
let resolver = Resolver()
let context = Context()
let api = try MessageAPI(resolver: resolver)
let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: System.coreCount)
defer {
try? group.syncShutdownGracefully()
request: "{ message { content } }",
context: context,
on: group
).whenSuccess { result in
The output will be:
{"data":{"message":{"content":"Hello, world!"}}}
returns a GraphQLResult
which adopts Encodable
. You can use it with a JSONEncoder
to send the response back to the client using JSON.
To use async resolvers, just add one more parameter with type EventLoopGroup
to the resolver function and change the return type to EventLoopFuture<YouReturnType>
. Don't forget to import NIO.
import NIO
struct Resolver {
func message(context: Context, arguments: NoArguments, group: EventLoopGroup) -> EventLoopFuture<Message> {
Check the Star Wars API for a more complete example.
This project is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.