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Fine-tune Co-DETR on a custom dataset

This project shows how to fine-tune a pretrained Co-DETR model on a custom dataset.


Install MMDetection

This project is based on MMDetection v3.2.0. Please follow the official installation guide. For example, you can install it via pip:

Step 0. Create and activate a virtual environment (optional). Python 3.8 is recommended.

Step 1. Install PyTorch and torchvision. Please install PyTorch v1.13.1 though the official installation guide.

Step 2. Install MMDetection.

pip install -U openmim
mim install "mmengine==0.9.0"
mim install "mmcv==2.0.1"
mim install "mmdet==3.2.0"

Note: MMDetection requires MMCV, which is only compiled on PyTorch 1.x.0. Please make sure that the PyTorch version matches the requirements of MMCV.

Step 3. Install FairScale and TorchMetrics.

pip install fairscale
pip install torchmetrics

Step 4. Add the current project path to the PYTHONPATH.

export PYTHONPATH=<path_to_project>:$PYTHONPATH

Install Diffusers (Optional)

If the imbalance of the dataset is severe, a guideline for using generative models to augment the dataset is provided in Augmentation.

Prepare a custom dataset

Step 1. Prepare the dataset in the following manner:

├── annotations
│   ├── train.json
│   └── val.json
├── train
│   ├── 000000.jpg
│   ├── 000001.jpg
│   └── ...
├── val
│   ├── 000000.jpg
│   ├── 000001.jpg
│   └── ...
└── test
    ├── 000000.jpg
    ├── 000001.jpg
    └── ...

The annotation files are expected to be in the COCO format.

Step 3. Create a fake annotation file for the test set.

python tools/ dataset/test dataset/annotations/

Step 4. Modify classes in configs/codino/ to match the classes in your dataset.


All experiments are conducted on a single NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 GPU except for the augmentation part, which is conducted on a single NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 GPU.

Fine-tune the model

If the dataset is filed in the above manner, you can fine-tune the model by running the following command:

python tools/ configs/codino/

Checkpoints and logs will be saved in the work_dirs/ folder.


To get the prediction results on the test set, run the following command:

python tools/ configs/codino/ <path_to_checkpoint>

The prediction results will be saved in the work_dirs/test.bbox.json file, and it's in the COCO submission format. To convert it to the required format for, run the following command:

python tools/ work_dirs/test.bbox.json dataset/annotations/test.json

The converted results will be saved in the work_dirs/test.bbox.converted.json file.

Note: Validation results are monitored during training. If independent validation is required, please check tools/

Visualize the results

To visualize the results, run the following command:

python tools/ <image_path> configs/codino/ --weights <path_to_checkpoint>

Results will be saved under outputs/.

Further fine-tune the model by augmented data

Please refer to Augmentation for details.


All credits go to the authors of Co-DETR and OpenMMLab.


Fine-tuning Co-DETR on a custom dataset.




