- Bogor West Java, Indonesia
(UTC +07:00) - balss.netlify.app
- in/iqbal-muthahhary-muthahhary-5120b6278
- https://instagram.com/muthahhary_iqbal?igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg==
SolvedThis Public
An open source discussion platform built with Next.js
raimerce Public
An open source e-commerce built with Next.js
mclass Public
A simple learning managament system (LMS) web, built with Next Js for web framework, TailwindCSS for styling, Uploadthing for file uploads, Drizzle ORM for orm sql databases, and supabase for datab…
astro-porto Public
Personal website build with Astro Js for Web Framework, React Js for UI Framework, Tailwind CSS for styling, GSAP and Framer Motion for Animation, and Lenis for smooth scroll
balmed-v2 Public
A simple social media web build with Next Js for Web Framework, Supabase for database and storage, NextAuth for authentication, React Query for fetching and optimistic data
movie-astro Public
Movie and Tv Show App build with Astro Js, React js with auth-astro for Authentication , supabase for database, TMDB API for API Movies and Tv Shows, and TailwindCSS for styling
bshopp Public
A simple e-commerce website with integration payment gateway (Midtrans)
diary Public
nowtedme Public
netflix-clone-v2-iqbal Public
A website that provides movie trailers and TV lists