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IbraFSG CSC148 Slides - Winter 2024

Hello and welcome, IbraCult, to the official repository for the CSC148 IbraFSG 2023-2024 Slides. That's right! If you missed a session, couldn't copy down the question in time, or just want to have the slides up during the session, you can find them all here.

All compiled PDF files can be found in their respective week's folder. There, you can also find the raw LaTeX files used to compile the PDFs, and solutions (posted after the FSG session) to the practice problems. You can also find any homework problems that we may have discussed in the slides, along with a multitude of hints and tips to help you along the way.

Note that FSGs are officially over, and this repository will not be updated with new content past CSC148. This is a public archive of the hard work I've put in to help you succeed in CSC148. I hope you find it useful!

Copyright Notice

The content within this repository (Including slides, solutions, and homework) is the intellectual property of Ibrahim Chehab. You are free to use this content for personal use, but you are not allowed to redistribute, modify, or sell this content without the express written consent of Ibrahim Chehab. That means you cannot upload this content to any other website (including but not limited to CourseHero, Chegg, Quizlet, or any other website that provides solutions to students), claim it as your own, or use it for any other purposes, be it commercial or non-commercial without my expressed consent.

If you would like to use portions of this material in your own (future) CSC148 FSG, please contact me on Discord @techmaster04, or through the UTM CS Discord Server first.

Table of Contents:

Don't know where to start? Here's a list of all the weeks we've covered in CSC148. Click on the week you want to view, and you'll be taken to the respective folder. There, you can find the slides, homework, and solutions for that week.

Note: Weeks 1-5 will not be covered in this repository, as there were no FSGs held for those weeks; the first "proper" FSG was held in Week 6.

Note About This Repository

This repository is provided as a resource to help you succeed in CSC148. It is not a replacement for attending the FSG sessions, nor is it a replacement for the course material, and it is certainly not a replacement for attending lectures and labs. It is meant to be used as a reference, and not a replacement for the problem solving process. You are encouraged to attend office hours and ask questions during lectures if there are any parts of the solution that you do not understand. All content posted here is not endorsed by the CSC148H5 Teaching Staff, nor is it representative of the official course material. When in doubt, always refer to the official course material, and ask your TA or Professor for help.

In other words: This repository is as unofficial as they get, and anything your professors say takes precedence over it. Nothing here is guaranteed to be correct, and you should NOT take this repository as the "gold standard" of CSC148.

Once again: These slides are meant to be used in conjunction with the course material, and are not meant to be a replacement for the course material/official course meetings If you find that these slides are not enough, I encourage you to reach out to your TA, Professor, or even your peers for help.

All solutions listed are provided outside of FSG hours, and are not endorsed neither by the UTM RGASC nor the CSC148H5 Course Staff. These solutions are meant to be used as a reference, and not a replacement for the problem solving process. Use at your own risk. You are encouraged to attend office hours and ask questions during lectures if there are any parts of the solution that you do not understand. Should you find anything that is incorrect, please open an issue on this repository and I will address it as soon as possible. Nonetheless, they are provided to you without warantee, neither expressed nor implied.

Use this repository both wisely and at your own risk, and remember that the best way to learn is to practice, practice, practice! Good luck, and happy coding! 🚀


CSC148 Facilitated Study Group Slides - Winter 2024







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