java micro-service framework base on springcloud and other components
- micro-service framework
- base on springcloud
- boot with springboot
- springcloud
- dubbo
- zookeeper
- springbatch
- rabbitmq
- quartz
- elasticsearch
- redis
- zipkin
- actuator
- filedownload/fileupload
- markdown/richtext
- app and admin vue ui proj with axios and decrypt module
- admin and app service support encrypt http json message advice
- upload and download file support
- richtext or markdown support
- swagger api support
- actuator admin ui and zip support
- spring security and jwt support
- It's project only is a simple framework
- without business power
- but for user , you need implements user login
- in here
- every module almost keep single power
- by include module get the module support
- so , if you don't need some module,you can easy to remove it