A benchmark test forked from go-nats(https://github.com/nats-io/go-nats/tree/master/examples/nats-bench) to compare pub sub KubeMQ to nats performance and pure GRPC performance
KubeMQvsnats can be runned in 2 main options:
- [KubeMQ] benchmark pub sub patterens using GRPC to KubeMQ server
- [grpc] using identical proto of kubemq will becnhmark pub sub messages on local grpc server
Running Grpc server +pub +sub
KubeMQvsnats.exe -grpc
Running Grpc server only
KubeMQvsnats.exe -grpc -np 0 -ns =0
- make sure KubeMQ is running. (default address for grpc on KubeMQ is localhost:5000)
Running presistance
KubeMQvsnats.exe -type est
KubeMQvsnats running varialbes
- [s] The KubeMQ or grpc server address (separated by comma)")
- [np] Number of Concurrent Publishers)
- [ns] Number of Concurrent Subscribers
- [n] Number of Messages to Publish
- [ms] Size of the message.
- [csv] Save bench data to csv file.
- [ch] pubsub channel name.
- [client] benchamrk client name
- [type] benchamrk running mode:
- [grpc]->stream event with emulated server
- [grpcst]->event with emulated server
- [e] ->pub sub event
- [es] ->pubsub event with stream sender
- [est] ->pub sub event with presistance
- [esst] ->pub sub event with stream sender with presistance