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Instruction to create telegram bot

1.Create a new public repository in GitHub

2.Add description to reposytory

3.Create file , add description and push "Commit new file"

4.Open your repository in (push "." on keyboard)

5.Create new codespace (cloud workspace your repository) check version #go version #zsh

6.Module initialization

    #go mod init

      This command add file go.mod

7.Install code generator cobra-cli

    #go install

8.Generate main.go (basic code file)

    #cobra-cli init 

(result  1. new file -  main.go, )
	       2. add strings to file  go.mod
	       3.  create folder "cmd" and file "root.go" in this folder
       "root.go" contains generated initial code.

9.Generate code of command "version"

    #cobra-cli add version  

      (result  new file -  version.go in folder "cmd" )

10.Build code

  #go run main.go  help

11.Check command version

 #go run main.go version

 (result    -    version called)

12.Add main comand kobot

#cobra-cli add kobot
(result  new file -  kbot.go in folder "cmd" )

13.Adding a variable "appVersion"

    In file version.go add string   -    var appVersion = "Version"

   Change fmt.Print
 oldstring      fmt.Print("Version called")   
            newstring    fmt.Print(appVersion)

14.Prebuid application

#go build -ldflags "-X="

result  - binary file kobot

15.Run kobot

./kobot version

16.Import telebot packeges in file kobot.go

 telebot ""

17.Add variable TeleToken in file kobot.go

         var (
                // TeleToken bot
               TeleToken = os.Getenv("Tele_token")

18.Add "os'' to import in file kobot.go

19.Add code function RUN

       fmt.Println("kobot %s started", appVersion)

20.Add block init kobot

      kobot, err := telebot.NewBot(telebot.Settings{
          URL:    "",
          Token:  TeleToken,
          Poller: &telebot.LongPoller{Timeout: 10 * time.Second},

21.Add function error

       if err != nil {
           log.Fatalf("Please chek TELE_TOKEN env variable. %s", err)

22.Add code of Handle

  kobot.Handle(telebot.OnText, func(m telebot.Context) error {

23.Add start function


24.Formatting code

       #gofmt -s -w ./

25.Install packeges

       #go get

26.Building app v1.0.1

       #go build -ldflags "-X="

27.Add Aleases in kobot.go

Aliases: []string{"start"},

28.Create telegram bot from BotFather

29.Save bot Token from variable

  read -s TELE_TOKEN

  export TELE_TOKEN

30.Add code to Handle(answer to "hello")

log.Print(m.Message().Payload, m.Text())
            payload := m.Message().Payload
            switch payload {
            case "hello":
                err = m.Send(fmt.Sprintf("Hello I'm Kobot %s!", appVersion))

31.Building app v1.0.1

 #go build -ldflags "-X="

32.Start kobot

     `#./kobot start`


Link to bot