A reporting toolbox for happy output.
We can easily load the results from set of hap.py outputs by creating a happyCompare samplesheet, e.g.:
Then importing its contents into R:
## do not run
happyCompare_list = read_samplesheet(samplesheet_path = "happyCompare/happyCompare_samplesheet.csv")
# use pre-saved dataset from now on
The resulting happyCompare_list
object contains the following fields:
: the original samplesheethappy_results
: a list ofhappy_result
objects as defined inhappyR
, with identifiers automatically set from samplesheet details
We can further explore the contents of happyCompare_list
as we would with any other list, e.g.:
## [1] "samplesheet" "happy_results"
## [1] "freebayes-NA12878-NA12878_freebayes"
## [2] "gatk-NA12878-NA12878_gatk"
## [3] "platypus-NA12878-NA12878_platypus"
## [1] "summary" "extended" "pr_curve"
Alternatively, we can use read_samplesheet_()
to create a happyCompare_list
from its components:
# re-use from pre-loaded dataset
happy_results = happyCompare_list$happy_results
# modify samplesheet
samplesheet = happyCompare_list$samplesheet %>%
mutate(Group.Id = "Single group") %>%
select(Group.Id, Sample.Id, Replicate.Id, happy_prefix)
## Group.Id Sample.Id Replicate.Id happy_prefix
## 1 Single group NA12878 NA12878_freebayes output/freebayes
## 2 Single group NA12878 NA12878_gatk output/gatk
## 3 Single group NA12878 NA12878_platypus output/platypus
# set ids
ids = samplesheet %>%
mutate(.Id = paste(Group.Id, Sample.Id, Replicate.Id, sep = "-")) %>%
select(.Id) %>%
# store as a new happyCompare_list
custom_hcl = read_samplesheet_(samplesheet = samplesheet,
happy_results = happy_results,
ids = ids)
## [1] "happyCompare_list"
The method extract()
provides quick access to the nested results within our happyCompare_list
, whilst preserving samplesheet metadata:
# inspect our object
## [1] "summary" "extended" "pr_curve"
sapply(happyCompare_list$happy_results[[1]], class)
## $summary
## [1] "happy_summary" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
## $extended
## [1] "happy_extended" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
## $pr_curve
## [1] "list"
## [1] "all" "INDEL" "INDEL_PASS" "INDEL_SEL" "SNP"
## [6] "SNP_PASS" "SNP_SEL"
# extract a table with hap.py summary metrics
summary = extract(happyCompare_list, table = "summary")
## Classes 'happy_summary' and 'data.frame': 12 obs. of 22 variables:
## $ .Id : chr "freebayes-NA12878-NA12878_freebayes" "freebayes-NA12878-NA12878_freebayes" "freebayes-NA12878-NA12878_freebayes" "freebayes-NA12878-NA12878_freebayes" ...
## $ Group.Id : Factor w/ 3 levels "freebayes","gatk",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ...
## $ Sample.Id : Factor w/ 1 level "NA12878": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ Replicate.Id : Factor w/ 3 levels "NA12878_freebayes",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ...
## $ happy_prefix : Factor w/ 3 levels "output/freebayes",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ...
## $ Type : chr "INDEL" "INDEL" "SNP" "SNP" ...
## $ Filter : chr "ALL" "PASS" "ALL" "PASS" ...
## $ TRUTH.TOTAL : int 9126 9126 51016 51016 9126 9126 51016 51016 9126 9126 ...
## $ TRUTH.TP : int 7451 7451 50617 50617 8532 8532 50157 50156 8704 6122 ...
## $ TRUTH.FN : int 1675 1675 399 399 594 594 859 860 422 3004 ...
## $ QUERY.TOTAL : int 11163 11163 74716 74716 14509 14483 70641 70551 16793 7675 ...
## $ QUERY.FP : int 686 686 398 398 367 366 130 130 468 192 ...
## $ QUERY.UNK : int 2991 2991 23748 23748 5401 5376 20405 20316 7409 1261 ...
## $ FP.gt : int 278 278 66 66 18 18 60 60 34 15 ...
## $ METRIC.Recall : num 0.816 0.816 0.992 0.992 0.935 ...
## $ METRIC.Precision : num 0.916 0.916 0.992 0.992 0.96 ...
## $ METRIC.Frac_NA : num 0.268 0.268 0.318 0.318 0.372 ...
## $ METRIC.F1_Score : num 0.863 0.863 0.992 0.992 0.947 ...
## $ TRUTH.TOTAL.TiTv_ratio : num NA NA 2.08 2.08 NA ...
## $ QUERY.TOTAL.TiTv_ratio : num NA NA 1.79 1.79 NA ...
## $ TRUTH.TOTAL.het_hom_ratio: num 1.42 1.42 1.59 1.59 1.42 ...
## $ QUERY.TOTAL.het_hom_ratio: num 1.34 1.34 2.1 2.1 1.95 ...
# extract a table with hap.py roc metrics
roc = extract(happyCompare_list, table = "pr_curve.SNP_PASS")
## [1] "happy_roc" "data.frame"
names(roc) %>% head(n = 12)
## [1] ".Id" "Group.Id" "Sample.Id" "Replicate.Id"
## [5] "happy_prefix" "Type" "Subtype" "Subset"
## [9] "Filter" "Genotype" "QQ.Field" "QQ"
From here, we can continue the analysis with custom R functions or by using the reporting modules provided.
We can use the method tabulate()
to display a summary of performance metrics as a formatted table, e.g.:
cols = c("Group.Id", "Replicate.Id", "METRIC.Recall", "METRIC.Precision", "METRIC.Frac_NA", "METRIC.F1_Score")
colnames = c("Group.Id", "Sample", "Recall", "Precision", "Frac_NA", "F1_Score")
# 1 replicate per group
s = extract(happyCompare_list, table = "summary")
t = tabulate(happy_summary = s, cols = cols, colnames = colnames,
filter = "PASS", vartype = "SNP", aggregate = FALSE)
t %>% knitr::kable()
Group.Id | Sample | Recall | Precision | Frac_NA | F1_Score |
freebayes | NA12878_freebayes | 0.992179 | 0.992191 | 0.317844 | 0.992185 |
gatk | NA12878_gatk | 0.983143 | 0.997412 | 0.287962 | 0.990226 |
platypus | NA12878_platypus | 0.928767 | 0.993601 | 0.092894 | 0.960091 |
# multiple replicates
s = extract(custom_hcl, table = "summary")
t = tabulate(happy_summary = s, cols = cols, colnames = colnames,
filter = "PASS", vartype = "SNP", aggregate = TRUE)
t %>% knitr::kable()
Group.Id | N | Recall | Precision | Frac_NA | F1_Score |
Single group | 3 | 0.968 ± 0.0343 | 0.9944 ± 0.0027 | 0.2329 ± 0.1222 | 0.9808 ± 0.018 |
We can visualise precision-recall ROC curves by passing happy_roc
objects to plot()
roc = extract(happyCompare_list, table = "pr_curve.all")
## [1] "happy_roc" "data.frame"
p1 = plot(roc, type = "SNP", filter = "ALL")
p2 = plot(roc, type = "SNP", filter = "PASS")
p3 = plot(roc, type = "SNP", filter = "SEL")
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, nrow = 1)
The plots above display one ROC curve per replicate, colored by group. The PASS point is also highlighted. Note how in the first plot, which displays ALL SNPs, the PASS point for the blue dataset does not overlap with the ALL ROC curve, as emphasised by the connector line that links it to the end of the ROC curve.
It is also possible to wrap happyCompare functionality into custom Rmd reports, as illustrated below.
Example germline report: germline.html
Rscript --vanilla $HAPPYCOMPARE/exec/happyCompare.R \
--input_template $HAPPYCOMPARE/inst/rmd/germline.Rmd \
--output_dir $HAPPYCOMPARE/inst/examples \
--samplesheet $DATA/happyCompare/happyCompare_samplesheet.csv \
--root_dir $RESULTS_ROOT
## [DONE] Output: C:/Users/mgonzalez/SublimeProjects/happyCompare/inst/examples
A demo happyCompare_list
object, obtained by running hap.py on hap.py example data and loading the results into R using happyCompare::read_samplesheet()
Step 1: run hap.py
# fixed hap.py resources
# query VCFs
# run hap.py
mkdir -p $outdir
$HAPPY_BIN -f $conf -r $ref --no-json $truth $gatk_q --roc-filter LowQual --roc QUAL -o $outdir/gatk
$HAPPY_BIN -f $conf -r $ref --no-json $truth $freebayes_q --roc-filter LowQual --roc QUAL -o $outdir/freebayes
$HAPPY_BIN -f $conf -r $ref --no-json $truth $platypus_q --roc QUAL -o $outdir/platypus
Step 2: Create a happyCompare samplesheet
Step 3: Load data into R
happyCompare_list = read_samplesheet(samplesheet_path = "happyCompare/happyCompare_samplesheet.csv")
save(happyCompare_list, file = "happyCompare/happyCompare_list.RData")