Welcome to the InsightXR Analytics SDK for Unity! This SDK seamlessly integrates into Unity projects, providing users with a unique VR analytics experience. With just a designated API Key, developers can effortlessly incorporate our SDK into their projects. Gain valuable insights into user experiences within virtual reality with our powerful analytics dashboard.
- Skip this Section is your VR Project is already setup
- Set up XR Plugin Management in Build Settings:
- Select OpenXR Runtime for both PC and Android platforms
- Tick "Initialize XR on Startup" for testing in the editor
- Add desired VR headset's interaction profile under PC and Android tabs
- We are adding
Oculus Touch Controller Profile
- Set Compiler to IL2CPP, build mode to arm(64) [Android], and compression to ASTC
A Package created that allows Users to import and export GLTF models into Unity. Check out GLTF-Unity for the git repository.
Install Package via Git URL : https://github.com/KhronosGroup/UnityGLTF.git
Next up is to install the InsightXR Analytics SDK
Install Package via Git URL : https://github.com/Insight-XR/Unity-sdk.git?path=src/InsightXRForUnity
For VR sample usage, we are using the XR Interaction Toolkit Package. Once the SDK is installed, head over to the package manager and import the XRIT Sample starter assets
Search Package : XR Interaction Toolkit
> Select the Package
> Click on Samples Tab
> Import Sample Starter Assets
For running project without headset. Install XR Device Simulator
and use it. Head over to the package manager and import the XR Device Simulator assets
Search Package : XR Interaction Toolkit
> Select the Package
> Click on Samples Tab
> Import XR Device Simulator
> Exit the window
> Go to File > Build Settings > Player settings
> Cick on XR Plug-in Management > XR Interaction Toolkit
> Checkbox Use XR Device Simulator in scenes
- Navigate to "Assets > Samples > InsightXR > > Demo Ultimate XR Scene > SampleScene" for an in-depth look at how the SDK is used. Make sure that sample is imported by going to Window > Package manager > Insight XR > Samples > Demo Ultimate XR Scene
- On the Hierarchy, Go to Template Setup > DataHandleLayer. You will find fields such as
[Customer ID, User ID, APIKEY, AWS Access Key, Aws Secret Access Key, Bucket Name]
- You can get Customer ID and APIKEY from Dashboard. You can set your User ID yourself. For getting AWS Keys and Bucket Name, ping [email protected]. We shall start populating these on Dashboard shortly!
- Lets upload the scene to Dashboard. Go to Assets > UnityGltf> Export Active Scene as gltf. After scene is exported. You can zip the folder and upload on Projects page on Dashboard.
- We are all set for starting the usage! Make sure that Replay checkmark on DataHandleLayer prefab is unchecked. Press play button and do some stuff with headset or simulator. Press X on controller or M on keyboard to upload the session. Kindly wait for sometime to let it upload. You would see the Uploaded Status True on logs.
- For seeing replay locally checkmark Replay on DataHandleLayer. You can press play and keep pressing right key on keyboard to see the replay. You can go back to previous times by pressing left key.
- See the Dashboard. You can press on User you uploaded and press on play button and play around. If AI credits are there in your account, you can chat with our InsightXR AI to know about your session.
For setting up SDK on your own VR project. Kindly use the setup below.
- Navigate to "Assets > Samples > InsightXR > > Demo Ultimate XR Scene > SampleScene" for an in-depth look at how the SDK is used. Make sure that sample is imported by going to Window > Package manager > Insight XR > Samples > Demo Ultimate XR Scene
- Required prefabs: "Datahandlelayer" and "Replay Camera".
- The third prefab in the Prefabs section is a template setup you can use instead or check as a reference.
- Add the "InsightXRTrackedObject" script component to objects you want to track data for
- Data is Tracked using Local Transforms, therefore, make sure the tracking script is added to all related objects
Feel Free to use the Template Setup for Pre-Configured Use or follow the following for manual setup
In the
script, there are many options to configure:- In the References Tab, the controller input is already added, so you can ignore that.
- In the Player Option, drag your VR Player game Object into that reference, so that it can be disabled during mode execution.
- In the replay Cam Reference, drag and drop the Replay Camera.
- The Left hand and Right Hand Fields are references to the Animators of the hands of the "VR PLAYER". This SDK uses Oculus Hands as its default hands and tracks the animation data from them using these references.
- The Replay Mode toggle is used to determine if the game is to be played as a session or to be viewed as a recording. Running the game with the toggle does the respective disabling.
- Provide your Customer ID, User ID, Replay Bucket URL (For WebGL Replay), and your API Key in the given data.
- The details in the Network Uploader are Amazon S3 Information.
- Utilize the
script on theDatahandleLayer
:var API = FindObjectOfType<InsightXRAPI>(); API.RecordSession(); API.StopSession(bool uploadSaveFile); API.StopSession(bool uploadSaveFile, bool CloseApplicationAfterSave); API.IsRecording(); // bool API.InReplayMode(); // bool API.InsightLogEvent(string Event);
- More API function are to come!
- When Building for
, make sure that the Replay Toggle is false, otherwise the session wont be recorded - When Building for
, ensure the Replay Toggle is On, and a Bucket URL is provided so that the file can be pulled from there.- The URL can be any publicly available Replay File, even Github Gists are fine
You're all set! With InsightXR Analytics SDK, you're not just building games or applications – you're creating data-driven experiences that engage, inform, and impress. We can't wait to see what you build.
This SDK requires the following packages:
- Unity Package Manager:
- XR plugin management: Manages XR plugin configuration for different platforms
- OpenXR: Provides OpenXR support for XR applications
- XR Interaction toolkit: Facilitates interaction with VR controllers and objects
- Newtonsoft.Json: Handles JSON Serialization and Deserialization
- Package Name:
- Package Name:
- Editor Coroutines: Provides support for coroutines in editor scripts
- Package Name:
- Package Name:
- Built - In:
- Amazon S3: Handles Uploading the Saved Recordings for Sessions
- Oculus Hands: For Showing Hands and Animations in VR.
- External Sources
- XR Interaction Toolkit Sample Starter Assets
- Git Hosted GLTF Importer and Exporter from
The Khronos Group
Stay tuned for more updates, and happy developing! 🛠️