🍞 Installation | 🍕 Quick Start | 🧅 Contribution
ExpOven is a notifier application mainly designed for AI researchers. It provides a simple and efficient way to monitor the status of experiments opportunely.
You execute your experiments or commands on the server. When the command is completed or encounters an issue, you will receive a notification in your messaging apps (such as DingTalk, email, Slack, etc.). Additionally, you can use this tool to track the progress of the experiments.
Like most python packages, you can install ExpOven via following methods:
📌 Option 1. Install from PyPI. [RECOMMENDED]
pip install exp-oven
📌 Option 2. Install from GitHub.
pip install git+https://github.com/IsshikiHugh/ExpOven
📌 Option 3. Install locally.
git clone https://github.com/IsshikiHugh/ExpOven.git
cd ExpOven
pip install . # Make sure you are in the (virtual) environment that you want to install ExpOven.
After installation, you can check if the installation is successful by typing the following command:
oven help
Now you need to configuration the third-party supports. You can only configure the most commonly used ones. Check the following links for more details:
Next, you need to edit the local configuration file.
📌 About Config File Location
The configuration file will be created at
, the default value ofOVEN_HOME
.You can check the current
through CLIoven home
.To customize
, you only need to set the environment variableOVEN_HOME
to the desired path.
oven init-cfg # Configuration template will be created at $OVEN_HOME/cfg.yaml.
The template of the config file will be synced from docs/cfg.yaml.temp.
Check docs/examples.py for runnable examples.
# eg:
ding 'Hello World!'
mv from to ; ding 'Data moved.' # Similar to `bake mv from to`.
Tips: When you have already started the experiment, you can still print type ding 'Exp xxx stopped.'
and press Enter. Although it seems you don't send the command correctly, it's actually put into the queue. When the experiment is over, the command will still be executed.
# eg:
bake echo 'Hello World!'
bake pip install -r requirements.txt
bake bash scripts/download_data.sh
bake CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0,1' python train.py
As a single function, it notifies the message. The two forms are equivalent.
oven.notify('Hello World!')
oven.ding('Hello World!')
# eg:
def compute_loss(gt, pd):
loss = (gt - pd).abs().mean() # (,)
if torch.isnan(loss).any():
oven.notify('Loss contains NaN.') # 👈
return loss
def main():
model = Model()
metric = evaluate(model)
oven.notify(f'Train over with metric: {metric}') # 👈
As function wrapper, the notifier will be called both before and after the function is executed. The two forms are equivalent.
def foo() -> None:
print('Hello World!')
def bar() -> None:
print('Hello World!')
# eg:
@oven.monitor # 👈
def train() -> None:
for epoch in range(10):
Please check docs/CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.