- CloudStorage and ClientSettings (Settings saving)
- Llama purchasing and opening with random loot
- Every Hero, Weapon, Defender and Resource
- Almost all storyline quests completed
- Crafting items in Backpack
- Transferring items to and from Storage
- Modifying and upgrading Schematic perks
- Supercharging items
- Leveling up and Evolving items
- Upgrading item rarity
- Hero, Defender, Survivor, Team Perk and Gadget equipping
- Autofill survivors
- Recycling and destroying items
- Collection Book slotting and unslotting
- Claiming Daily Rewards
- Claiming Quest and Collection Book Rewards
- Modifying quickbars in Backpack
- Activating XP Boosts
- Correct Events in Frontend up to Season X (Can change)
- Buying Skill Tree perks
- Quests pinning
- Switching between Hero Loadouts
- Favoriting items
- Marking items as seen
- Changing items in Locker
- Changing banner icon and banner color
- Changing items edit styles
- Support a Creator with specific codes
- Fully working daily challenges system (New daily challenge every day, replacing daily challenges, etc...)
- CloudStorage and ClientSettings (Settings saving)
- Winterfest presents opening (11.31 & 19.01)
- Purchasing Item Shop items
- Refunding cosmetics in the refund tab
- Favoriting items
- Marking items as seen
- Changing items in Locker
- Changing banner icon and banner color
- Changing items edit styles
- Support a Creator with specific codes
- Fully working daily challenges system (New daily challenge every day, replacing daily challenges, etc...)
- Install NodeJS
- Run "install_packages.bat" (This file isn't required after the packages are installed.)
- Run "start.bat", It should say "Started listening on port 3551"
- Use something to redirect the fortnite servers to localhost:3551 (Which could be fiddler, ssl bypass that redirects servers, etc...)