is an annotation
based method call logging plugin for observing completion time.
Annotation is processed & transformed only in debuggable builds.
You just need to add @MethLog
above any of your function & that's it!
You'll see the calculated time in your Logcat with Class & Method Name.
This project uses HunterDebug as a base, but only logs the
completion time of annotated methods.
does not log annotated method's parameters
& return values
like HunterDebug
or Hugo.
In your project's root build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.lazygeniouz.methlog:methlog-plugin:1.3.2'
// the plugin also adds the dependency for @MethLog annotation internally,
// so that you don't have to add it to every one of your project's build.gradle.
then in your app or library's build.gradle
apply plugin: ''
// or '' in case of a library
apply plugin: 'com.lazygeniouz.methlog'
You can enable & disable MethLog by adding the following:
methLog {
enabled true | false
// May require a clean / rebuild.
Simply annotate any function with @MethLog
& it should work fine.
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
logMessageWithDelay("MethLog says Hi!")
logMessageWithDelay("MethLog says Hi, again!")
private fun logMessageWithDelay(message: String) {
I/MethLog: ⇢ MainActivity.logMessageWithDelay() completed in 2000ms.
I/MethLog: ⇢ MainActivity.logMessageWithDelay() completed in 2001ms.
This is my first Gradle Plugin 😄,
so if you see anything wrong in the code base or something that can be improved then do let me know
along with an appropriate implementation (if you happen to know) & I'll try to incorporate those
Create a new issue if you face any problem or have any suggestions.
I'll appreciate if you create a PR as well (if possible).
Finally, don't forget to ⭐️ the library! :)