- Created a Full Stack ecommerce website with user authentication, cart information and order history
- Developped various React.js screens and reusable components for the frontend
- Used React-Router for routing to turn application into Single Page Application
- Used React Hooks such as UseState, UseEffect and UseReducer to implement functionality
- Integrated interactive UI’s and created responsive designs using Bootstrap
- Used the Context API for centralised state management for the application
- Used Local Storage to store & retrieve data during transition between different pages
- Established connection to MongoDB database using RESTful API implemented in Node.js server
- Implemented CRUD operations and query actions to the database
- Implemented async HTTP requests via Axios to exchange data formatted as JSON from the backend
- Utilized Mongoose schema to define the structure of the online users and orders in the database
- Architected in React, Node.js, Express and MongoDB (MERN stack) as well as JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Context API