A Sample/Playground app which enables the creation of Bank Cards, adds multiple transactions per Card and allows filtering transactions based on a transaction category. The app supports iPhone but also iPad with using size classes.
At the start, the main screen shows empty because there are no Credit cards saved.
When adding a Credit Card, the ser prefills information regarding that Card. It is possible to pick between 3 types: Visa, Mastercard and Discover, add the expiration date and also choose the card's colour. When all is set it is possible to save the card.
When created Cards, they are shown on the main top container. Now when there is a Card, there can also be added a transaction per specific Card. Also the user is able to edit or delete the specific card by selecting the three dots on the upper right corner of the card.
Every Card can have transactions. While adding transactions it is possible to pick one or many categories for that specific transaction. The categories have a prefilled state but it is also possible to add new or delete a category. When the transaction is added to the main screen, the user can also perform a delete operation on a specific transaction
Users can filter transactions based on a specific category or multiple categories. If no category is selected the user should not see any transactions.
The app also supports portrait/landscape mode for iPad. The Main screen shows a specific UI for iPad. The user has the same functionalities as on the iPhone therefore at the start he needs to add a Card.
As on the iPhone, it is possible to add a transaction per Card.
in Landscape, the UI can show as compact or regular when the user uses a split screen with another app. If the UI is set as .compact size class it switches UI to be rendered as iPhone, otherwise, it shows iPad UI.
- SwiftUI for building UI
- Core Data,
- Relations:
- one to many, transactions per card
- many to many, categories on transactions
- Usage of size class for iPad UI