A huge network request fliterlist of sites (~950) that contain AI generated content, for the purposes of blocking access to site that contains AI generated content with uBlock Origin.
If you have uBlock Origin installed, click this link to import the filter list in just a click! Quick and simple.
Make sure that you have the uBlock Origin Extension for Firefox, Chrome, or any browser that supports uBO (& Android via Firefox or Kiwi Browser).
Click on the uBlock Origin Extension, and in the bottom right, there is a cog-wheel symbol--named the dashboard. Click it.
Once you are in the dashboard, look towards the top. Click on the tab that says "Filter lists".
Look towards the bottom, and expand the
button. -
Copy and paste this URL into the dialogue box:
- Apply changes, and you're set!
uBlock Origin will automatically refresh the filter list once a day, so you'll always have up-to-date filters.
If you want to force an update of the filter list, pressing the stopwatch next to the newly added list, then pressing Update now
will achieve that.
Don't like a website being blocked? You can easily create an allowlist in your own personal uBlock Origin filter list.
Here's how to do it.
- Toggle the DOM inspector
through uBlock Origin's logger. - Locate the URL you want to allowlist.
- Click on the filter you want to disable (eg. vecteezy.com); it should then be crossed out.
- Press the save icon, then the "Create" button.
Boom! Now it's allowlisted!
Or, if you don't want to go through that mumbo-jumbo, add this line in your filter list:
Change "example.com" to the URL you want to allowlist. Copy & paste that in uBlock Origin's "My filters" list, and you're set!
Special thanks to:
This pastebin (since it added even more sites to my blocklist)
u/AchernarB for the awesome snip-bit of code.
Raymond Hill, uBlock Origin extension
iorate, uBlacklist extension
Super SEO Spam Suppressor (SSSS) by NotaInutilis
An anticapitalist blocklist targeting websites abusing SEO tactics to spam web searches with data pollution and security risks: content farms, scrapers, copycats, generative AI, scams, advertisements, malwares, and useless wasteful garbage in general. It is best used with uBlacklist.
Journey Buster 3 by k0vac
A Chromium extension that lets you know if an image is AI generated, for use on Twitter.
Awesome List of uBlacklist Subscriptions by rjaus
A compilation of awesome uBlacklist subscriptions to block various sites from appearing in Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo search.
Anti-AI Google Search Tips by yours truly
Tips and tricks to make Google Search (and other search engines that have similar operators) return authentic imagery.
uBlockOrigin-HUGE-AI-Blocklist by laylavish
Original author for a blacklist.