A little bit of magic to make partials perfect for components.
Ruby PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
Print seed and rerun failed tests with minitest
A tiny 🤏 library (only 410 B) that allows you to access current `<meta>` elements
Powerful devtools for Ruby on Rails. Inspired by the Laravel Debugbar.
Code coverage highlighter & statistics for Ruby projects using SimpleCov.
Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
Add MenuBar to your React Native MacOS Application
fix request.ip and request.remote_ip in rails when using cloudflare
Modern, scalable tools. Exceptional developer experience.
A collection of useful little scripts for database analysis and administration, created by our team at PostgreSQL Experts.
A set of StimulusJS components for TailwindCSS apps similar to Bootstrap JS components.
A tool for to run active record examples
Rails PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
A Ruby gem to transform HTML into PDFs, PNGs or JPEGs using Google Puppeteer/Chromium
Using panel meters driven by an ESP8266 or other Arduino IDE compatible dev board to display time without an RTC.
Performance profiling for Rails, made simple 🦔
Nevod is a language and technology for pattern-based text search.
Split your file into encrypted fragments so that you don't need to remember a passcode