Original version of the exercises in the IBM Quantum Challenge.
In this repository you will find a copy of the exercises in the IBM Quantum Challenge, some useful hints and a live FAQ that we will fill-in as the challenge unfolds.
Take a look at the hints.md
file for some advice on how to solve the challenges.
If you are experiencing problems when validating the exercises, try the following. Before you proceed, please keep a backup of your solutions since these steps will restore the exercises to their initial state and delete your progress.
- Create a new Qiskit Notebook.
- Add a new code cell, and then copy-and-paste this:
%pip install -I git+https://github.com/qiskit-community/[email protected]
!git clone https://github.com/qiskit-community/may4_challenge_exercises.git ~/may4_challenge_exercises
!mkdir -p ~/may4-challenge
!cp -r ~/may4_challenge_exercises/* ~/may4-challenge
- Run the cell by pressing
. - Reload the exercises that you opened again.
There is a channel (#ibm-quantum-challenge
) dedicated to the Challenge in Qiskit Slack. Join the conversation!
IBM Quantum Challenge의 원본입니다.
이 저장소에는 [IBM Quantum Challenge] (http://ibm.co/quantumchallenge)의 연습문제 사본과 챌린지가 진행될 때 채울 유용한 힌트 및 실제 FAQ가 있습니다.
문제 해결 방법에 대한 조언은 [hints.md
] (https://github.com/qiskit-community/may4_challenge_exercises/blob/master/hints.md) 파일을 참고하세요.
연습을 검증 할 때 문제가 발생하면 다음을 시도하세요. ** 이 단계는 연습을 초기 상태로 복원하고 진행률을 삭제하므로 진행하기 전에 해답을 백업하십시오. **
- 새 Qiskit notebook을 엽니다.
- 새 code cell을 열고 다음을 붙여넣습니다.:
%pip install -I git+https://github.com/qiskit-community/[email protected]
!git clone https://github.com/qiskit-community/may4_challenge_exercises.git ~/may4_challenge_exercises
!mkdir -p ~/may4-challenge
!cp -r ~/may4_challenge_exercises/* ~/may4-challenge
로 cell을 실행합니다..- 연습문제 창을 다시 엽니다.
[Qiskit Slack] (http://qisk.it/slack)에는 챌린지 전용 채널 (# ibm-quantum-challenge
)이 있습니다. 대화에 참여해주세요!