An automatic theme switcher for Neovim that uses precise sunrise/sunset times based on your latitude and longitude.
Sun times are calculated locally so the plugin does not require an internet connection to function. The plugin uses a libuv timer to ensure that the theme is updated whilst Neovim is open without the need for a restart.
Install using your preferred method and call the setup function to load the plugin. The function accepts a table for overriding the default configuration:
latitude = 51.5072, -- north is positive, south is negative
longitude = -0.1276, -- east is positive, west is negative
sunrise_offset = 0, -- offset the sunrise by this many seconds
sunset_offset = 0, -- offset the sunset by this many seconds
sunrise_override = nil, -- accepts a time in the form "HH:MM" which will override the sunrise time
sunset_override = nil, -- accepts a time in the form "HH:MM" which will override the sunset time
day_callback = nil, -- function that is called when day begins
night_callback = nil, -- function that is called when night begins
update_interval = 60000, -- how frequently to check for sunrise/sunset changes in milliseconds
time_format = "%H:%M", -- sun time formatting using
I recommend ensuring that Sunset.nvim loads after any colorscheme plugins to reduce the likelihood of issues.
Here's how I load my colorscheme plugin and sunset.nvim with lazy.nvim:
dependencies = {
"colorscheme plugin",
config = function
-- Colorscheme plugin config
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
opts = {
latitude = 51.5072,
longitude = -0.1276,
By default, the plugin changes the
background option
between light and dark. If you would like the change this behaviour, you can
set the day_callback
or night_callback
which will disable the background
switching. For example:
day_callback = function()
vim.cmd("colorscheme foo")
If you would like to show the sun status in your statusline, sunset.nvim sets the following global variables:
vim.g.is_day -- boolean
vim.g.sunrise -- next sunrise time string formatted using time_format option
vim.g.sunset -- next sunset time string formatted using time_format option
The plugin has the following commands:
- view the next sunrise/sunset timesSunsetToggle
- toggle between day and night theme
If you find that sunset.nvim is clearing your custom highlight groups every time you switch themes, you need to set highlight groups in a ColorScheme autocommand. More info here.