Converting a string to a number using decimal prefixes.
(Spice-like format used in electrical circuit simulation programs).
Accepted decimal prefixes formats in this program :
Symbol | Prefix | Exponential equivalent |
'f' | femto | 1e-15 |
'p' | pico | 1e-12 |
'n' | nano | 1e-9 |
'u' | micro | 1e-6 |
'm' | milli | 1e-3 |
'c' | centi | 1e-2 |
'h' | hecto | 1e+2 |
'k' | kilo | 1e+3 |
'meg' | mega | 1e+6 |
'g' | giga | 1e+9 |
't' | tera | 1e+12 |
'pet' | peta | 1e+15 |
Some features:
- instead of a decimal point, you can use a prefix: 1.3k = 1k3
- can put exponential format at the end
- spaces inside are ignored
- prefixes are automatically converted to uppercase during conversion
program main
implicit none
integer,parameter :: siz=6
type tmp
character(:), allocatable :: words
endtype tmp
type (tmp) :: w(siz) ! input array
real(8) :: nums(siz) ! output array
real(8) :: numeric ! function name
integer i
! Representation of the number 1230 in different formats
! most often used:
w(1)%words = ' 1.23k'
w(2)%words = ' 1,23k'
w(3)%words = '1k23'
! this is for demonstration:
w(4)%words = '1 m23e6'
w(5)%words = '1meg23e-3'
w(6)%words = '1.23e3'
print '( a , *( a12) )', 'input words: ', (w(i)%words, i=1,siz)
do i=1,siz
nums(i) = numeric(w(i)%words)
print '( a, *(f11.1,1x) )', 'output numbers:', nums
end program main
input words: 1.23k 1,23k 1k23 1 m23e6 1meg23e-3 1.23e3
output numbers: 1230.0 1230.0 1230.0 1230.0 1230.0 1230.0
For testing on used gfortran version 13.1 for Windows. The directory contains a Makefile for building using the make command.