Documentation Reference:
To download the Docker image of OceanBase:
docker pull obpilot/oceanbase-ce
When successful you will see:
Status: Downloaded newer image for oceanbase/oceanbase-ce:latest
To start the Docker container instance, run this:
docker run -itd -m 10G -p 2883:2883 --name oceanbase-ce obpilot/oceanbase-ce:latest
To execute the container in the Bash environment:
docker exec -it oceanbase-ce bash
(Skip this - optional) To execute the container in the SQL environment:
docker exec -it oceanbase-ce2 ob-mysql sys
To start the demo environment (Bash command):
obd cluster list
obd cluster start obdemo
After this, connect to the OceanBase database using DBeaver.
Reference link.
Go to DBeaver -> Database -> New Database Connection -> MySQL -> next
- Server Host:
- Port: 2883
- Database: OceanBase
- Username: root
- Password: rootPWD123
- Click on Test Connection -> OK -> Finish
- SQL Editor -> Open SQL Script -> CREATE DATABASE jamesdatabase;
- (right-click) Databases -> Refresh
- (right-click) jamesdatabase -> Set as default
Refer to oceanbase_technical_demo.sql for more Data Definition Language (DDL) statements.
Refer to my YouTube video for the above demo in full: